Experience teaches that if you’re reading this, chances are you’re seeking to improve the quality of your life from either of the following situations:
- You’re in the pits and things are lousy, possibly to the point where they couldn’t possibly get any worse…
- You seem to be on the top of the world, where everything you thought would make you happy has happened, but for some reason you still don’t feel happy… and so you’ve set out to discover what would make you happy…
- You seem to have your life handled in some areas, while others remain lousy and loathsome and/or still have significant room for improvement…
Notice that in either of these scenarios, your decision to learn how to consciously exploit your ‘powers of manifestation’ is a reactive one. The underlying motivation is that something isn’t right, and you want to fix it.
Of course, the urge to fix something that doesn’t feel comfortable is a completely logical, understandable, and typically human one. But in light of the concept of ‘implicit intent’ that was introduced in the previous article, this type of motivation can easily become the very reason for your lack of results.
This article will give you some perspective on why that is, plus it will suggest a fairly simple strategy to transcend this predicament… which, because of its simplicity and universal and timeless applicability, could very well be called ‘the greatest advice of all time.’
So let’s dig in…
Quick Recap: ‘Implicit Intent’ Revisited
As you’ll learn in any of my material, the process of ‘creation’ and ‘manifestation’ takes place predominantly through the connection you have to an unmanifest, enfolded, metaphysical level of reality (the realm of ‘potential’, ‘possibility’ and ‘probability’)… beyond the manifest, unfolded, actualized reality we perceive through our five senses (the realm of already actualized ‘physical building blocks’).
That’s where any really significant difference in the nature of your reality is made.
Explicit actions taken within the realm of the ‘physical’ don’t make a direct impression on that metaphysical level. If they make an impression on that level at all, it’s only indirectly through your motivations and attitudes behind those actions.
Of course, explicit actions are still very important in turning ‘potential’ into something real, or in rearranging already existing ‘building blocks.’ But making a deliberate impression on the metaphysical plane (which ‘physical’ reality will gradually adjust itself to) requires a different kind of routine.
To do so, you generally learn a variety of explicit practices, such as positive affirmations, visualizations, and so on… even many forms of prayer of various traditions are designed with this aim in mind. In addition, you’re generally told to add some positive emotion to the mix, as without it, your power field broadcast is incoherent.
Basically, such techniques are all simplified ways to clarify and organize your thought and feeling, in order to give your intent a clear focus. This way, they do have their place in the bigger picture of the manifesting process.
While they’re essentially ‘explicit,’ if performed well and given the utmost of your heart and spirit, such methods raise your levels of energy, feed your inner fire, and create a tremendous, powerful bond with the metaphysical level of reality… impressed with the idea that whatever vision you have, will manifest through the effort of your explicit practices.
That’s all fine and swell, but here’s what’s absolutely crucial to realize:
- Once you’re finished with your explicit practices, this connection doesn’t just disappear or disengage. You don’t suddenly let go of it. In fact, your bond with the metaphysical plane stays and remains all the time… by default.
- This means that the ‘manifestation process’ continues, even while you’re no longer performing your explicit practices.
And that’s exactly why being aware of and consciously steering what the previous article referred to as your ‘implicit intent’ is so crucial:
The consistent impression you make on the metaphysical plane is shaped by your ‘implicit intent.’ And this happens during your explicit practices, but also during the times that you’re no longer actively engaging in them (which is generally by far most of the time).
And this is exactly where things can go awry regardless of your best intentions…
Let me explain how…
How We Tend To Cancel Out Our Own Efforts
Defining and ‘broadcasting’ a pure vision of what you want to manifest puts you in ‘creative mode’ (another concept that’s explained in this article). In order to get yourself and stay in ‘creative mode,’ your vision has to be pure, meaning it doesn’t originate in an aversion to a current situation, and that you’re not attached to any specific way in which you think it’s supposed to come about. If there is, you’re generally in ‘reactive mode.’
Now, if after your explicit practices you could keep yourself in this ‘creative mode’ (assuming you even were during them), then it’s likely that whatever you envisioned ultimately does manifest in reality… albeit usually through different routes than you initially imagined, as you only have a say in what you want to manifest, not in the how.
Still, it can take time for the metaphysical levels of reality to adjust to the vision you’ve been impressing…
So because of this delay, as soon as you finish your explicit practices, the initial ‘problem situation’ will still be there. And that’s where the most widely-occurring failure in the manifesting process usually kicks in:
- Explicit practices that do ultimately produce results are of the type that goes out from a state of knowing that the associated vision will come to pass (be it in due time). It’s not a matter of believing… It’s a matter of knowing. The less doubt you have about it, the greater your certainty, the more coherent your power field, the stronger your imprint.
- Assuming their motivation is purely creative, most people have no problem believing/ knowing their vision will come to pass during their explicit practices.
But the biggest failure in actually allowing their vision to manifest, is that after they finished their exercises, tricks, and word games, they start distorting and canceling out their own efforts. Here’s how: - Usually, they quickly begin to evaluate the reality around them to see whether their vision has come to pass yet (<– or phrased more accurately: whether their problem has been resolved yet). Put differently, they quickly put themselves back into an implicit focus on the initial problem situation.
- As a consequence, implicitly, most people quickly go back to the same state they were in before they started their practices. The desperation that led them to starting the whole process in the first place seeps back in, particularly if they don’t notice (nearly) immediate change. Then along with it come the worries and fears associated with the problem, and before long they’re back in ‘reactive mode.’
This leads them to getting absorbed in the problem again, and often brings them to a point where they forget that they put out an intention in the first place.
As such, they’ve never even given ‘reality’ a chance to adjust to it. The metaphysical impression of their vision gets distorted before even getting close to being realized, and now they’re effectively back to square one.
So the real problem is that on top of the sincerity of their desire to produce the results they envision, they heap all their negativity and allow their fears and worries to ride all over what they sent out in the first place.
Make no mistake: you really do have far-reaching powers to create your own reality. But your endeavors will yield little desired result if you just use them as some kind of last-ditch effort in reaction to a problem, in an attempt to bargain with the universe after all other avenues have been exhausted.
Such an attitude carries no power whatsoever. You’re effectively reaching for any last thing you can try and might be able to do to turn the odds back in your favor.
As such, you let the power of imbalanced emotion around your initial problem situation overcome the power of your vision, often without ever realizing that you’re canceling out the original, genuine, creative energies of your explicit practices.
And then you rant and rave at life because the end result is a (re-)manifestation of your problem state… i.e. your implicit intent. That’s the problem with ‘reactive mode:’ what you think “inspires” you, is often simultaneously the greatest weakness in your process.
That’s why you need to make a crucial switch:
The Switch From ‘Reactive’ To ‘Creative’
The constant, subtle connection to the energy around us (i.e. at a metaphysical level) is the most powerful ‘tool’ that any of us have. But for your reality to (gradually) adjust to the vision you ‘metaphysically’ impress, your power field must have a consistent, creative focus… one that’s pure to start with (i.e. no attachments and/or aversions) and doesn’t get distorted along the way.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record:
This requires a significant degree of conscious control of your ‘implicit intent’ in order to keep it pure and consistent. And in turn, this requires a consistent, conscious practice to cultivate it in such a way that it does in fact become conducive to actualizing your ‘explicit intent.’
For that, a vision that merely reactively springs from a perceived problem (i.e. where your definition of success effectively limits itself to ‘no longer having any problems’) doesn’t cut it. That way, your implicit focus will always be on those very ‘problems,’ because you’ll keep checking whether they’re still there or have been resolved yet.
Instead, you need an unattached, creative vision… which begs the question that we asked before, but often turns out to be the toughest one to truthfully answer for most people:
“What do you REALLY want?”
The key to answering that question is what American physicist, philosopher, and management expert Danah Zohar calls ‘spiritual intelligence.’
Spiritual Intelligence
According to Zohar, ‘spiritual intelligence’ is about your own, personal, deeper actuating motives. Principles like ‘purpose’ and ‘meaning’ are central to that, and make up your own ‘inner universe.’
When you’re genuinely in touch with your own ‘inner universe,’ you can develop your talents and give full scope to your natural gifts. As such, you’ll live the life that fully matches who you are (<– which isn’t necessarily the life that others think you’re supposed to live).
And in the process, you continually discover new things about what really drives, inspires, and animates you… which could be something completely different than what you’ve been led to believe and/or have been thinking all your life.
In other words: it’s all about the authentic YOU. And that might actually be someone you still need to get to know.
Zohar says that when you manage to live your life from that inspiration, the implicit result is that you’re quite a happy and fulfilled person. No explicit practices are required for that.
There’s no need to make yourself happy and grateful (although that can still be useful…). Rather, that would be an automatic, natural result, a side effect of sorts of being and/or becoming the authentic you.
Thus, ‘spiritual intelligence’ is really about self-reflection and intuition. And in this context, there’s also a big difference between ‘spiritual intelligence’ and what many consider ‘being spiritual:’
- You can do reiki, qigong, meditation, burn incense, play with your Ouija-board and your pendulum, collect crystals, become a vegetarian, practice Wicca, wear birckenstocks, do exotic rain dances in wildlife outfits, read books about ‘spirituality’ and repeat affirmations all day and night. And of course that’s all fine if that makes you feel good.
- But ‘spiritual intelligence’ really refers to making the choices that suit you, and to actually consciously experience the satisfaction and feelings of genuine fulfillment and self-realization that come with that.
This is pretty much in line with what the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow (who came up with the famous ‘hierarchy of needs’ that’s designed to explain human motivation) called ‘self-actualization’.
According to Maslow, self-actualization is the ultimate state of human development (<– there’s a little more to it than that, but we’ll go deeper into that in upcoming material…), a spiritual condition in which people are purely creative, ‘playful’, and tolerant.
These are the very conditions that facilitate the extent to which the vision you’ve decided to impress on the metaphysical levels of reality remains, or at the very least doesn’t get distorted, and likely even gets reinforced.
And guess what:
There’s a specific group of people that can teach us a lot about this state of ‘pure creativity,’ ‘playfulness’ and ‘tolerance:’
Young children!
In the context of this article’s topic, young kids, as long as they’re pure, are pretty much a paragon of spiritual intelligence.
Of course, by that I’m not saying that we should all start behaving in childish and infantile ways. Instead, what I’m saying is that we can start to make a conscious effort to look at the world more like children do.
We could start to re-invent and re-discover the qualities that we so often lose in the process of what’s called ‘growing up’ and ‘becoming adults’. Those qualities are:
- Being open;
- Trust;
- Sincerity;
- Being genuine;
- Curiosity;
- Eagerness to learn;
- Generosity;
- Feeling adventurous;
- Wonder and astonishment at the smallest of things…
- And not to forget: unconditional love.
A state characterized by these criteria implies being free from any emotional attachments or aversions. And from there you can continuously form (perhaps gradually discover and/or develop) a genuine vision that’s really your true, authentic, undistorted image of ‘success’ (as touched upon in this article).
And this brings us to what could very well be seen as “the greatest advice of all time”…
The Greatest Advice Of All Time
Remember it always:
Again, not childish or infantile, but childlike.
Retain a playful attitude both to life and whatever visions you have for it.
In simple, practical terms, this could be described as follows:
- Be open.
Be adventurous. Be curious and eager to learn. Acknowledge the wonder of life and the amazing experience it brings. Discovery in life is just as important as creation. - Be genuine and tolerant… to life itself, to yourself, and to other people.
As for life itself: things often don’t come in the way you envisioned or hoped, and your greatest opportunities are often disguised as your biggest ‘problems’ or ‘challenges.’ Allow things to come as they do, and don’t get distracted. You have a lot to say about the what, but little about the how. So stick to your vision.
As for yourself: Don’t try to live up to externally imposed images of who or what you should be if they’re not in line with your own deeper actuating motives and values. If you do, you set yourself up for a consistent sense of struggle and lack of fulfillment.
As for other people: instead of judging them, be curious and interested in their deeper motivations and drives. In doing so, you’ll implicitly do the same for yourself. And as you allow other people to be their unique self, you’ll implicitly make it easier for yourself to be your unique, authentic self. - Be generous.
By that, I particularly mean generous with your natural talents, strengths, and gifts. In doing so, you’ll enjoy yourself, and might very well be able to add value to other people in one way or the other.
As a result, your implicit intent will remain clear around your explicit vision, and is characterized by…:
- Freedom from emotional attachments and/or aversions:
Your vision becomes a mere playful desire, not the one pivot point on which all your contentment and fulfillment life hinges. All is well already, regardless of whether you manifest your explicit vision or not. So no need to constantly evaluate if it has already come to pass.
This way, you won’t cancel out your own intent. And the big paradox is that this will actually increase the chances of it materializing. (Go figure…) - Flexibility:
Discovery in life is just as important as creation. Everything in life is in flux. So are you. You may want something different tomorrow than you want today.
Again, it’s good to have a vision and stick to it in order to retain a significant degree of focus. But just like you as a person, your visions may evolve. Don’t try to stop that flow. Go with it.
This is why it’s so important to remain in ‘creative mode’ in order to keep out of ‘reactive mode’ (see this article):
- A ‘reactive vision’ is fleeting, easily swayed by the ever-changing emotional currents of your own personal world and conditioned values and beliefs. Your focus will tend to fly from one thing to the next.
- A ‘creative vision’ is pure and tends to remain, or “at worst,” develop. As such, it gives you consistent (implicit) focus.
Your fears, doubts of worthiness, negative thoughts and emotions, these are the things that muddy the waters of our own clarity. Through a conscious practice to remain childlike, you remove these from the mix, and your connection and impact on reality becomes increasingly more evident.
From there, you can really start to consciously exploit your power of manifestation for any genuine goal or vision you get in mind, and it will begin to feel more and more natural.
So in closing, only one question remains…
How To Practice This?
I’m assuming you have a creative vision that’s pure and didn’t merely spin from a reactive motivation. Otherwise, come up with one. Be a kid again: playfully fantasize. What would be a cool experience (taking your problems and issues completely out of the equation for the moment)?
Now to deliberately remain a ‘childlike’ atmosphere around whatever ‘creative vision’ that is, you can keep asking yourself a few simple questions on a continuous basis, all starting with the powerful word ‘how:’
- “How can I be more open?”
For example: make conscious effort to notice all the various, subtle ways in which opportunities come on your path, which may be different than how you thought things could happen yourself… Acknowledge (“hey, that’s cool!”) and appreciate them (“I’m so happy and grateful for this!”). - “How can I be more trusting?”
For example: how can you get yourself out of the way and allow ‘life’ to open up doors that you may not be able to conceive of right now? - “How can I be more sincere and genuine to myself, and generous of myself?”
For example: can you think of ways to express and exploit your natural talents and strengths… not necessarily with the direct aim to directly contribute to actualizing your vision, but more so for the mere sake of doing it just so you’ll implicitly stay in ‘creative mode?’
Then implement whatever answers you come up with.
You’ll stay in creative mode, and your vision will remain, consistently. Even if it does get adjusted over time, it will only be a non-distorting development into something greater and more appropriate for you… not a U-turn into something completely different, just because a new problem has risen in urgency.
(Yes, that problem will still require your attention… Don’t ignore it, do what’s necessary right now. But that doesn’t mean you have to adjust your vision, provided that your vision was pure and creative, not reactive. If it’s a purely creative one, you can still stick to it regardless of your current circumstances.)
Keep up this ‘childlike’ attitude around your vision, and before long, amazing things will begin to happen. Under these conditions, the famous line becomes relevant:
“Be careful what you ask for, because you might get it…”
Doors will start opening up in life that you couldn’t even fathom. And when such opportunities present themselves, that’s when you acknowledge them and take explicit actions to actualize them. (Just keep an eye out so you’ll actually notice them…) And that’s how life becomes an exhilarating journey.
To conclude with another famous line capturing what could be “the greatest advice of all time:”
“And a little child shall lead them…”
Thank you so much for sharing what you do ! You have a wonderful gift of sharing your insights and information in a understandable and enjoyable way, it is something that I desperately needed hear and I am hopeful to be able to finally move forward in ways I have not been able to before on my own. You are awesome! Thank you Lisa
As usual, you are spot on. I sometimes think you are inside my head pointing to the negative stuff you see that I am reactively dealing with, only occasionally being creatively active consistently.
I am 81 and sometimes ask myself why I continue to fight on, yet I cannot stop because I know who I am is much greater than I give myself credit for being and your words of wisdom seem to show up when I can use them the most.
Thank you for being who you are and sharing yourself with all of us.
I am delighted to get such information to clean myself within and to discover who i really am.
Althogh i have not yet achieve my goal but i will dig till i found my true self .
Thank you.
“Your vision becomes a mere playful desire, not the one pivot point on which all your contentment and fulfillment life hinges. All is well already, regardless of whether you manifest your explicit vision or not. So no need to constantly evaluate if it has already come to pass.
This way, you won’t cancel out your own intent. And the big paradox is that this will actually increase the chances of it materializing. (Go figure…)
The above passage really struck home for me and it somehow made me feel so much better about myself and my situation!!
Being a cosmic 3 year old is an awesome place to play.
thanks for this article.
I totally agree of being childlike is a great way to live life.
sometimes I get stuck in my doubts and fears BUT slowly its getting easier specially through creative intents.
And in the moment I get stuck I allow myself to let go and shift to childlike…….
great inspiration
As usual, I don’t understand anything.
Interesting, fascinating, i will give it a go.
Beautiful advise. I Thank you Henk for sharing with those of us whom are ready to hear. As we are all on our own journey of self discovery at different times of our lives, mine has been coming fast and strong in the past 6 years of my life. After my children became adults and the house became more quite. Now more then ever I have such an insatiable appetite to discover my own universe from within. This has led me to many forms of self discovery from Yoga to past life regression, positive affirmation, energy healing, meditation and more. While it comes second nature for me to nurture all of my loved ones, I’ve found that it was hard to put myself to the forefront of my focus. I find your message covers the gamut of practices that we all may of adopted to our wishful desires to manifest the most abundant, purposeful life possible and reminded us of the value that the energy supporting these practices must remain pure and honest while retaining the childlike and unconditional love that fuels all progress is. Thank you for sharing yours.
Love this article, Thanks. Think with the raw honesty and childlike anticipation of a child. Good advice re saboutaging and underestimating one’s desired results.
As always, simply amazing!
What you share is Truth. Thank you with all the power in me. You are wonderful Henk!
Remain childlike using the creative, intuitive, curious, and open-heartedness that comes from that place. So true. I like to remind myself also to not jail my little rascal that wants to play and have fun. I like this thought of yours: you continually discover new things about what really drives, inspires, and animates you… which could be something completely different than what you’ve been led to believe and/or have been thinking all your life. So true. Thanks for all the words of wisdom you share Henk.
Matthew 18:2-4
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
We create or align ourselves with the kingdom of heaven – when we get “back” into the flow of life…
Very interesting, but why do you present it as “the greatest advice of all times” ?????, isnt’ it a bit presumptuous??. It was not the greatest for me. The best advice of my life was given by an indian master from the Andes mountains who never came to civilization.
Hi Edwin, thanks for your comment! The “greatest advice”-title included a question mark, indicating that it wasn’t meant to give you the impression that it is actually the greatest advice of all time universally applicable to everybody. (In your case the answer is apparently ‘no.’ ;-))
What would be interesting though, is if you’d be willing to share the advice the secluded master you mentioned gave you. Any chance you’d like to include it here?
Yes please do share, Edwin.
Cheers, Charlee
Glad you sent this to me really needed to read and understand this for myself
staying positive and motivated is the key to get something different
Another wonderful article for an over 90 years young child. Thank you, Henk, you are the greatest! I am so glad I read it, even though I had 64 emails. That happens when you are a member of Joe Vitale’s “tribe”
Definitely rings a bell in the 62 year young kid I now am…
Great article, thanks…
Thanks henk. This hit the spot as usual.
Great article Henk, seeing myself in the eyes of a child again reminds me when I was a kid and how everything was simple. I could imagine anything and make it happen, living in a fantasy world was an everyday occurrence and nothing seemed impossible, this was reality. I can still remember making up stories in my head and acting them out and wishing for things that would come through. But of course, as a child, you would pretend you’re something and start acting like it and this would make you happy and in a state of bliss. At that age nothing was impossible, the only limits was your imigination, and children have limitless and boundless, imiginative resource to play with. So I get the idea of what you mean like being childlike, one only has to take a step back in time and imagine their childhood days and take it from there.
Man!…I’m really grateful to you..thank you…this is really the greatest advice of all time…
Thank you and the Universe Henk for the wisdom, insight and clarity that you bring to the path that we are all on. Some are truely blind and stumbling on the path, following the crowd and allowing life to have “its” way with us, thank you for helping to remove the blinders that blind us to the Supreme guidance that awaits when we open our “minds eye” to the Soul within and without.
Wow! Part of my vision is empowering kids to share their innate knowings and wisdom in the world coming from that authentic part of who they are. Reading is my medium.
Where I have trouble personally is that I can’t think of very many positive things or “see” my visions in my mind. Not long ago I cried out to my Guides that there just isn’t any beauty in my thoughts. Everything that comes up is a problem, a judgement, sarcasm, an endless supply of crappola, etc. And when I’m around people, they all seem to talk about all the negative stuff in the world and in their lives. The only consistent beauty I find is in children’s books and in nature. I want those beautiful, funny stories to BE me so that I embody them and feel that way constantly. It is hard to do when bombarded by constant negative languaging, conflicting information, political backstabbing and stupidity (There’s a judgement!!!) and I feel like I live in a giant bathtub of negativity.
Sorry for the downward spiral, I really want these egg cracking techniques to become default impulses. I also realize that I am coming from the “fix it” mentality and Verucca style “I want it NOW!!” because I am so uncomfortable most of the time and do so many things coming from panic mode.
Things are better and I practice the techniques consistently. It is going to take awhile before I feel a sense of mastery, but I am so grateful for this program, I can’t adequately express my appreciation and respect for the wisdom imparted within it.
I’m going to practice childlike behaviors and embodying the felt-sense joy and wonderment that comes with them. My intention is “Out with Eyore, In with Pooh”.
Thanks, Henk,
Great advice. In the current trend of the world to be serious we have lost the child nature in us. People around us push us to be goal oriented and this creates pressure. With the constant fear of how people will react to us the tension kills the free flowing nature. Thank god for the advice. Hope we can rekindle the LIFE in us.
Great advice, I would encourage everyone to read. Live love and laugh and don’t care who is watching. Life is to be lived in a joyous way 🙂
Sage counsel says the adult in me. Coooool says the kid. I am finding myself imagining little things every day that make me smile or even laugh out loud. In the last few years, I am loving fantasy fiction and for most of my adulthood, I stuck to nonfiction business and self help books. I am laughing more and enjoying the ride. I love seeing life again through a child’s eyes without the core limiting beliefs that held me down and kept me in my head. Thanks Henk!
I have only been receiving your messages for a few weeks but I am soooo happy and grateful to have found your articles. I enjoy them very much as I find them easy to understand and you have given me several insights that are helping me answer questions I’ve had with the Law of Attraction. Many thanks
Everything is very open with a clear clarification of
the issues. It was definitely informative. Your website is very helpful.
Thank you for sharing!
Feeling lots of ‘resonance’ with many parts here, especially regarding defining “what do you really want” and how difficult that task is for some. Impressed with the explanations. Impressed with comments here too.
Have been following you for a few years now and I find that you still have a way of explaining manifestation so clearly. I appreciate what you do and am grateful that you continue to do it. Thank you.
Thank you! 🙂
Excellent advice, which we constantly need to remember and practice. Too many of us take life too seriously.
The greatest advice reminded me of a great ‘Master’s’ words. Unless you are like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful & inspiring messages. Because of you, I have changed my perception of life. And when one changes his perception, one changes the reality .. I began to break free from my construct. And I want to say, with much gratitude, I sincerely appreciate you opening my cell and allowing me to walk through the doors unhinged. … and I have always had this child-like innocence about me. (I’ve been told by many.) I’ll never let go of my inner child.. Peace, Love & Light to all. May your steps be sure, your heart be pure and blessedly guided by God.
That was a great article! Cleared up some of my confusion of all the stuff that’s out there. You have an awesome way of explaining this. I had to chuckle at the part of be careful what you wish for. I have learned to add “without costing extra money”. It seems I must be pretty good at the manifesting part (at times) but there always seems to be unforeseen expenses attached. that have nothing to do with the initial focus. Would like a little insight on that. Te last time this occurred was when I wanted to cut out of work early that afternoon to catch a training on line but needed and authentic excuse. I was driving my son to work and no sooner did I have that thought, my hood latch let go and my windshield was smashed. I got my excuse but it cost me $450.
Just a quick note: I have noticed in self hypnosis sessions that imagination plays a key and vital role but so does emotion. Emotion, oddly, in my experience seems to be just that. Any emotion, including sorrow, will act as a “spiritual lubricant” (my own term) to ease the transmission of your message to your subconscious and back again. I do not include anger and hatred as emotions as I feel they are more properly labeled spiritual states than emotion. Has anyone else noticed this phenomena? Any other practical suggestions are welcome as well.
Steven Narbonne
what you told in this article appears logical to read and impossible to put in practice.instead do what one feels like doing result of the actions rest with ALLAH the compassionate and merciful.People in history were successful when all that you people are teaching was not existing.In reality what you are telling is “whatever we are teaching is right but you are not able to get anything out of it because you are not child like.” Be child how on earth is this possible, if that can be and being childlike was in our interest our creator Who loves us most and given all that exists without asking would have made us remain childlike.
Great information!! I so enjoy and appreciate your work. Definitely fresh. Thank you.
I am so grateful and so thankful Henk for sharing this and other articles with us. I have retained my inner childness thankfully and I realise now that I need to extend it further into all areas of my life Yay! Blessings to you all x
Fantastic and true!
A beautiful piece to follow, thanks so much but please how can i develop my power of pinpointed concentration.
behave like a child?
Act like achild?
But why not pretend like achild !
Innocence is generally appreciated though never admired after a certain span of life.
killers’ instinct is rquired to be exercised occasionally while on competitive t wave lenghts.
Mutual human chemistry is too much a force of win-win status-child-like innocence do play a role with intellectuals-like -minded-otherwise who the hell cares?Childish-never accepted.C
hild-like shall be an excellent piece of advice while you have no vesed interests.
but is it a feasible situation?
In being as a little child, one important ingredient is laughter. Laughter is medicine for the soul.
Hi, I try to put your advice into practice in day to day life.right now. I shall let you know the changes you have brought in my life through this article after sometime. Let me see the result..
I so enjoy the life’s lessons that you have to offer, and this one is remarkable! Thank you for sharing your wisdom,power and knowledge.
1- Ask and it will be given to you
2 – Seek and you will find
3- Knock and you shall be answered.
thanks great advice, I think we need to transform ourselves, One always wishes to change the world or hope that the world will change for the better. But until we as individuals change the perspective of how we view the world, nothing will ever change. Humans have to realise we are energy, nothing more, we do live forever as spirit,coming and going in different incarnations. I’m not sure of the outcome of this coming and going as yet, but I will one day. Everybody crave’s for a better world. Until you are willing to seek answers to change yourself into the person you want to meet on a daily basis, the world will never change, therefore being childlike from within, is only an experience for the few.
There is no point in being human for one lifetime, what do you gain from one lifetime, you learn some things, how do you know if what you have learnt is any good, and anyway if you are only here for one lifetime, what the point in learning anything at all, what the purpose in it. THERE HAS TO BE MORE TO IT, SEEK IT, FIND IT FOR YOURSELF.
I would just like to tell you how grateful I am to have been included to recv’d such a wonderful and positive message:-) God Bless
This is the greatest article I’ve ever read.
Lovely article; I would only add that the first place to start is to bring compassion (unconditional acceptance) to all the child parts of ones soul that feel separate, not enough, etc. From that place of compassion you can become aware of the perfection of those child parts and bring that freedom and joy back into your own heart.
I enjoyed very much this article. My profound gratitude for it…in a childish mode…
Thanks Henk for this wonderful advice. I sometimes refer to the teaching of Jesus when life presents challenges, ” unless ye be like little childeren you will never enter the kindom off heaven” was one off his teachings, the meaning of that always escaped me and only last week I prayed for enlightenment and here it is. It seems we can experience heaven here on earth if we be like little children. So God does work in mysterious ways and He’s obviously works through you Henk. Thank you very much and keep up the good work. God bless.
Your way of compiling concepts and expressing them is awesome. Down deep inside, I knew ‘this’, but unable to articulate it so beautifully as you. And I have frequently allowed myself to shut down and pull inside when I have been in situations where I was truly being childlike, full of curiosity, wonder and awe… and then others witnessing these behaviors furrow their brow, cross their arms in front of their chest, make tsk tsk sounds… etc. there I went, into hiding… with this article I am renewing my efforts to continue just being ME!! (age 63, it’s about time, don’t you think?)
Yes. It’s just a ride. But Not everyone knew that.
Wiser words have never been written — thank you!
Again Henk brings us some great advice and timeless wisdom in a clear and concise manner. Whenever I remember to be childlike I really have a better time of it even though some things may not be perfect, but when I forget to be in a childlike state I get caught up in some things that aren’t as bad as they seem to be at the time. When I am in the childlike state of mind I can look at those things as an adventure that I am on, rather than some kind of bad thing. Being on the adventure of life makes me want to help make it turn out right for everybody, and gets me in the problem solving mode, rather than a passive state of waiting for things to change without my input. Anytime I just go with a happy go lucky attitude it seems to make things better. A sense of wonder and gratitude for little things and for those things that we just take for granted is a big help too, and, of course, reading inspirational things like Henk writes is a great help as well ! ! ! …. Cheers!!
Very nice.
So true , and the greatest of them all is Love
Being “Childlike” means being in alpha… All children under 6 are in this brainwave state….
After 7 they change to beta and begin to be “aware”..
Some people meditate to attain this level and even go deeper into levels Delta and Theta…
My 2 cents worth of advice here… just recognize the miracle you are (whatever your actual situation is).. YOU are the product of a very small probability of conception and however here you are…
Be spiritually selfish with yourself. If something (someone) is bothering you then let it go, enjoy yourself more and for Christ sake just be yourself, everyone else is already taken..
Hakuna Matata
Whatever it is, the best way to live life is to ‘LET GO AND LET GOD’ by consciously ZEROing our Subconscious SELF. Allow GOD to fill it for us through INSPIRATION.
living child like is the best.
children are stress free, they are very imaginative.They beleive anything very easly and without doubts .If all people were child like,this world would be the best place to live in.
very inspiring.
One reason I so like what you put out
is because it is in alignment with what I
have learned in life and dying on operating
tables three times. True, it was in the days
of the “flat line” as opposed to no brain
activity, but once was enough to KNOW
this is a ride and if you are not having
fun, change what you are doing. You control
what your life is like by your choices.
We love to complicate everything, I guess it helps us to convince ourselves, ‘it’s real’.
And then there are those awesome moments when you REMEMBER, Oh wait, it doesn’t have to be real, ‘it’s just a ride’ for the sake of the ride, and after this ride will be another ride, and it’s ok just to relax and enjoy it. Love those moments!
WOW! That is beautiful! Thank you so much! That is so true. When I lost my “inner child”
my life went amok. I have been reviving my precious inner child and slowly but surely
everything in my life is coming together again! My inner happiness is gradually germinating
and filling me with joy and wonder! And you dear Henk contributed
to my transformation thanks to the priceless gifts you supplied me with, when I needed it most! Blessed are you both forever! Thank you, thank you and thank you! I shall be always
grateful to you and my universal love envelopes you forever!
Well said. We all need to be childlike sometimes so we can enjoy the ride.
Pure truth. I am living for a year now a life much like described… A wonderful experiences and aha moments have come and are keep coming my way. I have met some amazing people and for the first time in my life I am without partner and guess what…my life has never been so rich and happy. I am though looking forward to meet a partner who will much like I love to learn, be amazed at things and live fully every moment during this ride 🙂
Be well everyone and see you!
I couldn’t agree more. Every now and then I remind myself to think back to when I was a child, with my imaginary horse and all. There’s a real return to simplicity when we do this and now I want to work on doing this every day until it becomes habit.
I’m glad to have stumbled across your article tonight. Great timing.
Hello and thank you for a wonderful work you are doing to enlighten people to create better reality for themselves. Your articles are full of precious wisdom and pure light to see the way forward to success, health, wealth and happiness. may god bless you for this wonderful work you are doing for the mankind. Once again thank you for sending precious pearls of wisdom and intelligence.
I was told all the time I was growing up that even thinking about things like science fiction and even anything that was considered to be fiction, was all just fantasy. It was like fantasy was something childish and the imagination was not to be paid attention to or trusted. Of course, my father was brought up to believe that humans are flawed. So, here I was, wanting to write fantasy and sci fi and feeling as if there was something wrong with me. It took forty years for me to trust in myself again and my childlike wonder I’ve never let go of. We are, each of us, unique; the trouble starts when we think that our individual uniqueness puts us head and shoulders above eveyone. When I was in my senior year of high school, my English teacher wanted us to find metaphors in magazines and bring them to class. One guy brought this from The Reader’s Digest, “Freedom has its fences.” When someone tells you you “should” do something a certain way, it means “he or she needs to do it that way.” Don’t lose that wonder; fitting in isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Love and Light to everyone on their Journey
Just wanted to say your writtings always inspires me, this is my first comment by the way
Thank you Henk for your message of peace and inspiration. By reading this article I already feel peace and joy in my heart.
Thank you again
i wish i had seen this long before i reach ade 70,i would have had a beffer life so i say thank you
Oh How I wish I could be childlike again.Having hardships in childhood itself kills our innocence. So how do i change my entire behaviour now…….CAN I?
From the deepest part of my being,i thank you.You can’t imagine the effect this advice has made in me at this very moment.By the realization of the truth containing in your message I cried.waking up in the middle of the night feeling depressed thinking about things that i missed in my life and stuff that I should have done but did not.your words are in reality not only advices but also a reminder of some significant and essential points that most of us already know but sometimes too busy preoccupied on focusing on problems by their wrong side of effect.I realize all a sudden,how good i always feel when i just let go of any situation i might be in,no matter how big it is,no resistance to the evil has always been an intuitive option that always works for me and would enjoy just observing the experience,it may be a great benefit in the outcome.I sometimes think about when i was a kid,i used to be happy and all excited about everything,especially those that i see for the first time.I loved going out,deep in the wood all by myself to explore the splendor of the nature.Each day was a complete and different adventure for me.always the first to wake up and last to go to bed still excited to see the next day because there would still be a lot that has not yet been seen,discovered by the most curious and the greatest of all explorers that was little ME..Again,thank you Hank for that great realization…I realize that the key thing that i missed for all the time was just the unconditional love with passion for adventure and the feeling and eager to learn and know just for the pleasure of it, which i used to have but lost throughout the time by trying to identify myself to something else other than who i was meant to be.
With Love
SPC Denis Bertrand
E co 5-101 Aviation Brigade
Fort Campbell KY
Thank you for this powerful, life giving and saving, reminder.
Hank, you have made my life. i began following your advice given in this beautiful aritcle, and others articles i have read,and lo and behold my world changed.after going thru 4 years of hell,having an unwanted messy divorce after 28 years of bliss,loosing kids,parental property and living like a gypsy,on the verge of suicide…i am now happy,healthy,earning 20 times more,and on christmas eve found my real love who would soon be my sweet wife! than won a car, a laptop and now buying a house of our own! i especially like karen’s tale of the LITTLE PRINCES..that is my life too.the best thing about this site is the MOST BEAUTIFUL FOLKS who share their life.i am eternally grateful to all of you and if you ever are in NEW DELHI, INDIA,my hometown,do meet me.love,db
Having enjoyed reading this brings to mind, I AM This. And I admitedly am so happy for this, and so thankful. I once thought this beingness had gone to never return. then finding even that was part of the beauty. I am so full of gratitude for this ride it has brought me so much closer to the one. i can feel you all and send love knowing and feeling your every emotion.
OM na ma Shiva
“it is not so much of how you act but how you feel when you act, what you are thinking about at the time of your acting = you emotions in action.”
– rules create resistance – resistance creates chaos and confusion = negative memory
– guidance create inteligence and trust = love – use your childlike ways to create the love that you were not able to give or receive as a child in a world full of rules and regulations.
– Always keep in mind that we were all little children once ourselves and remember how you would of liked to have been treated and how you had wished everyone else would have played fair – and had been pleasant and easy going. NOW you are an adult with more control over yourself and able now to better project that better world that you wished for as a kid like i did…….i have always seen the world through the eyes of that child.
Reminds me of a song I sing to myself to keep me in check. Sing it everybody!! Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream MERRILY, MERRILY, MERRILY LIFE IS BUT A DREAM! 🙂 Smiles, giggles & joy, Namaste