TJ Thyne, recognize him from Bones. He has a GREAT smile. He was the same way in the TV show. Yes, smiling is contagious!! Love the short!! Thanks for the reminder!
Wonderful, tremendous, powerful !
Cheesy who cares… Let’s call it “cheery cheesy”. We are all “godly, wonderfully, cheery cheesy folks” Viva! the “cheery cheesy” trend forever and ever… Might I say not just a “trend” but a definite lifestyle to embrace. Thank you for this exquisite transmission of the “POWER OF JOY”. ??Also called the Laughing Buddha. Buddhist Monk also named “HOTEI” renowned for his compassion & generosity who loved to spread joy & happiness. ??Thank you ???????
Thank you for
Making this wonderful video. You people are amazing! and got beautiful mind and heart. You truly are gift to humanity. . Thanks for being you!
I love this movie, anyway something like that happened to me last year at my work. I was doing an amazing work, working with people, children. I felt very happy, I was very cheerful,
I told many people and especially children how special they were. I was very charismatic, I know it came straight from my heart. I treated my boss very kindly, with appreciation of what he did for me , I made him a lot of money in 6 months and I asked for bonus. I don’t think anyone asked him that question. He said he was willing to discuss with me my bonus. Long story short, one day he called and said very nasty things, bad gossip, , and then he said to me You are too nice. I didn’t know how to respond to that, but at the end I just said, I was raised that way. The movie is awesome, represents the true meaning of how the people forget how to be nice to each other. Have a good day.
Wow so simple yet profound…and the 90 day trial to change to a new habit? Wonderful wonders of the world come so cheap and easy, why are we not seeing them?… what a waste of so much potential….
This film reminds me of the movie with Will Smith ” Six Degree’s of Separation “. Good things and people will eventually come back around in full circle!
It also much easier to be and say nice (happy) things to people!
You are Fabulous to share this
Book & Video… You either Send out
Love ?? or you send out Hate(Fear)
What ever you send out that is what
Will receive…Thank you…
Let’s Do This Starting This Very Minute…
Oh man that cheesy movie has got me in tears of joy! And the book! My Heart radiated over each page! I’m going to learn more about the subtle changes in the brain referred to in the book and the other technical stuff. My Heart feels enriched by this experience! With love, light and blessings…
The video is amazing! Just reading the book until it went to the video, its contents make sense and reveals the true understanding of the HEART. How it can make the positive connection to individuals when applied so simply as spoken of. Thank you for sharing and committing from the heart.
I remember many years ago, when I was going through a very traumatic time with my baby daughter. I ran into a lady who was teaching a class I was attending, and being very unhappy at the time, it showed on my face. The lady said to me, “what’s wrong now” admittedly, without compassion. It made me realise, it was up to me to put a smile on my face instead of sadness, and change the way I felt. Happiness didn’t come straight away, but it helped me to cope with a very difficult situation, and undoubtedly it was a very valuable lesson that I learned. Which has helped enormously over the years, not only myself but the impact it has on others around me.
Thanks for all the great information about the heart and how we can share from that heartfelt place to lift others up too. It may just start a movement of sharing kindness and joy around the world!! Loved the video too.
Well, cheesy? Yep. But it sure shows just how simple, and so powerful, a heartfelt compliment can really change everyone and everything! Smile – feel the power of the heart! Thank you to everyone who made this possible; for me, and everyone who made this possible! ?
I totally enjoyed the book and the video … awesome and it totally makes sense. Making people feel appreciated in turn makes you feel appreciated. Coming straight from the heart to those around you will only come back to you. Very heartfelt film.
Yes, we can create happiness in the world and it will change the destiny of world and of all living beings ! Thanks to you all, from the bottom of my heart!
Jean Fuller-stanleySeptember 1, 2021 at 4:41 amReply
This book and movie is simple awesome; extremely powerful. Restored my faith in “possibilities”…just smile.
This is really great and life changing. Thanks for sharing
Abdulai Seidu Bugnaba,I am Soo happy and grateful to search a help from your wonderful house to support myself and my family in my community in Africa Ghana,I support members on personal development programs.August 29, 2021 at 5:29 pmReply
I am so happy and grateful for this wonderful information, you Guys are so amazing and great, keep it up and see you guys at the Top.
I’ve had this book for a long time(6) years , and finally found the time to watch it. Thank you ?, it reinforced my love to all humanity, this is allways rewarding to see the creators light in everyone, and know that it is you looking back!,
Wow ! What a lesson. Fortunately this is what I do voluntarily. People need validation all the time. They need love and they need belonging. The movie must be seen by all.
The book and the video are wonderful. I always fought with people all my life and I thought I am showing that I am strong. I thought that is important in life, in general, All topics I want to be heard and make a statement, busy dominating people and never wanted to give others a chance. to be honest I never gave others a chance. I am 50 years old but after reading the book and watching the video I think I am starting a new life. Thanks so much, I knew that I am not in control everything in my life was mercy, schooling, work, relationship, parenting. I am really starting to live.
Clear description of how important human connections are.
I spent many years in isolation when not free to express my concerns——with dire consequences . thank you Henk for spreading the message of goodwill and hope !!
Tears came to my eyes. I am a joyous person and smile myself a lot. I give compliments and help strangers but where I live many are rude so I stay to myself now.
I’ve done this all my life. . . . from- a little girl delivering meaty bones to the dog owned by the disabled man stationed in front of the downtown Woolworth store to encouraging all manner of folks to seek truth to this very day, thanks for the validation.
Dear Henk, thank you for your wonderful e-book. I love how it’s so simple and practical, and you even said we can skip over the wordy part and straight to the point. I like going deeper into details but it was kind of you since some people want to get to the point quickly (a friend calls it McDonalds). Even so, you were very quick to reach the core ideas, and I’m amazed how you condensed everything into two simple actions. I think it’s brilliant. I know people can feel my heart so I often share in silence, but now I’ll take you up on the 90 day challenge and put my feelings into words (and accept from others too, I admit I’m terrible at this). I love the film as well, it’s funny and so true, you demonstrate so well that it’s the small things that mean so much. It reminded me a bit of the film ‘Amelie’.
This movie clip…it’s teaches lot about preserving physical well being just by smiling ?. Thanks Jenn for such a reminder and ofcourse it keeps me smiling ?
Ernest Mashinda ChisongoFebruary 10, 2021 at 8:13 amReply
This is such a lovely short film. I smiled all the while whilst watching it alone. Great work Henk.
Thank you so much for coming into my life and sharing this with me. I do not believe in coincidences , everything happens for a reason,,, I believe you were sent to help me, I am in a very negative environment and it can be difficult to be kind, and positive, happy? Well I know I can do this with the help of people like you all! Thank You all and I mean that from my whole HEART <3
Great movie!! Very inspirational and shows the power of our heart. Thank you Henk for creating it and sharing it with each of us. You are amazing! Bless you!
Thankyou so much for giving us this Beautiful video Hallelujah ! it bought tears of validation and HEART knowing and smiles of recognition of Truth. Bless you and may many many more brothers and sisters see this every day
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video, it made me laugh, cry and SMILE.
The world needs so much more of this Validation it makes your heart sing xx
My kind of film – innocence to the max – I used to do this on a daily basis for I know not a stranger – makes me wonder is this how I have survived 4 heart attacks and 3 heart operations for now I am isolated and do not do this however I am now forced to find a different place to live and I now know to build up my heart field I must put behind me the damage agent orange in the Vietnam War did to me and practice the strength and amazing abilities God put in all of us – a quantum physics student for years. I love this and the renewed inspiration it has just given to me. Thank you
This Film is so Powerful because it is So Simple! Smiles (Happiness) are Super important yet so Under Valued they even become difficult … We have to Get Over Ourselves & All the Conditioning we have had making us unconsciously apathetic, uncaring etc .. & remember all that working for money is never going to give us true Abundance … Giving Love, Care & Smiles cost nothing & Align us with True Universal Abundance so what we need we Receive …
It’s Great & so is the Book as an intro the Power of the Heart or Reference for those of us already connected with Heart-Math who just want More Love in the World …Heart felt Appreciation, Thanks Henk xxx
I remember seeing this sweet film a few years ago on Spiritual Cinema Circle. It hasn’t lost one iota of its power and heartfelt joy between then and now. It reminds me yet again that we are frequency be-ings and what we radiate outward is what we create as our experience of Life. No matter what, shine out Love. Love is Life. ?
The film is incredibly healing for every human being who sees it even more if he experiences it in his day-to-day life, illustrated the book, from the bottom of my heart, very grateful for this wonderful gift to humanity.
This is an amazing film. It really explains it all about what you have in your book. I can feel the power of appreciation from the heart. Thank you Henk!
TJ Thyne, recognize him from Bones. He has a GREAT smile. He was the same way in the TV show. Yes, smiling is contagious!! Love the short!! Thanks for the reminder!
I did not know this great film and made it topic in a birthday card. The link would have been the better illustration.
Thank you for the investigation with spreading impact.
It brought tears to my eyes and a big smile to my lips.
Wonderful, tremendous, powerful !
Cheesy who cares… Let’s call it “cheery cheesy”. We are all “godly, wonderfully, cheery cheesy folks” Viva! the “cheery cheesy” trend forever and ever… Might I say not just a “trend” but a definite lifestyle to embrace. Thank you for this exquisite transmission of the “POWER OF JOY”. ??Also called the Laughing Buddha. Buddhist Monk also named “HOTEI” renowned for his compassion & generosity who loved to spread joy & happiness. ??Thank you ???????
I am
Happy. Inspired, and in love with life.
Thank you for
Making this wonderful video. You people are amazing! and got beautiful mind and heart. You truly are gift to humanity. . Thanks for being you!
makes me smile inside and out!
I love this movie, anyway something like that happened to me last year at my work. I was doing an amazing work, working with people, children. I felt very happy, I was very cheerful,
I told many people and especially children how special they were. I was very charismatic, I know it came straight from my heart. I treated my boss very kindly, with appreciation of what he did for me , I made him a lot of money in 6 months and I asked for bonus. I don’t think anyone asked him that question. He said he was willing to discuss with me my bonus. Long story short, one day he called and said very nasty things, bad gossip, , and then he said to me You are too nice. I didn’t know how to respond to that, but at the end I just said, I was raised that way. The movie is awesome, represents the true meaning of how the people forget how to be nice to each other. Have a good day.
So Simple but so Profound
Thanks Henk
Wow so simple yet profound…and the 90 day trial to change to a new habit? Wonderful wonders of the world come so cheap and easy, why are we not seeing them?… what a waste of so much potential….
This is wonder-full and full of awe! The real truths in life are so simple and so profound. You are having us remember this. thank you!
This film reminds me of the movie with Will Smith ” Six Degree’s of Separation “. Good things and people will eventually come back around in full circle!
It also much easier to be and say nice (happy) things to people!
You are Fabulous to share this
Book & Video… You either Send out
Love ?? or you send out Hate(Fear)
What ever you send out that is what
Will receive…Thank you…
Let’s Do This Starting This Very Minute…
Oh man that cheesy movie has got me in tears of joy! And the book! My Heart radiated over each page! I’m going to learn more about the subtle changes in the brain referred to in the book and the other technical stuff. My Heart feels enriched by this experience! With love, light and blessings…
I cried !! Because it’s True !!! If we give a little, we will get so much. Try it and see.
Brilliant every school should show it
Made me smile! I am grateful from my Heart to yours.
The video is amazing! Just reading the book until it went to the video, its contents make sense and reveals the true understanding of the HEART. How it can make the positive connection to individuals when applied so simply as spoken of. Thank you for sharing and committing from the heart.
I remember many years ago, when I was going through a very traumatic time with my baby daughter. I ran into a lady who was teaching a class I was attending, and being very unhappy at the time, it showed on my face. The lady said to me, “what’s wrong now” admittedly, without compassion. It made me realise, it was up to me to put a smile on my face instead of sadness, and change the way I felt. Happiness didn’t come straight away, but it helped me to cope with a very difficult situation, and undoubtedly it was a very valuable lesson that I learned. Which has helped enormously over the years, not only myself but the impact it has on others around me.
Delightful! What a great way to get this point across!!!
Thanks for all the great information about the heart and how we can share from that heartfelt place to lift others up too. It may just start a movement of sharing kindness and joy around the world!! Loved the video too.
Well, cheesy? Yep. But it sure shows just how simple, and so powerful, a heartfelt compliment can really change everyone and everything! Smile – feel the power of the heart! Thank you to everyone who made this possible; for me, and everyone who made this possible! ?
I totally enjoyed the book and the video … awesome and it totally makes sense. Making people feel appreciated in turn makes you feel appreciated. Coming straight from the heart to those around you will only come back to you. Very heartfelt film.
You made this defeated immigrant grandma smile like a typical American. By golly. Thanks to all family Kuennes folks and y’all.
Beautiful! Thank You very much for this energy!
How impactful!
Thank you – an inspiring film about the world we can create together.
Yes, we can create happiness in the world and it will change the destiny of world and of all living beings ! Thanks to you all, from the bottom of my heart!
This book and movie is simple awesome; extremely powerful. Restored my faith in “possibilities”…just smile.
This is really great and life changing. Thanks for sharing
I am so happy and grateful for this wonderful information, you Guys are so amazing and great, keep it up and see you guys at the Top.
I’ve had this book for a long time(6) years , and finally found the time to watch it. Thank you ?, it reinforced my love to all humanity, this is allways rewarding to see the creators light in everyone, and know that it is you looking back!,
The video and book are very eye opening and true as it will change the lives of those who practice the lesion taught through out the book and video.
Thank You. for you live change knowledge.
Wow,, what a great lesson. Thank you for sharing, you guys are awesome. ?
Wow ! What a lesson. Fortunately this is what I do voluntarily. People need validation all the time. They need love and they need belonging. The movie must be seen by all.
Great stuff.
The book and the video are wonderful. I always fought with people all my life and I thought I am showing that I am strong. I thought that is important in life, in general, All topics I want to be heard and make a statement, busy dominating people and never wanted to give others a chance. to be honest I never gave others a chance. I am 50 years old but after reading the book and watching the video I think I am starting a new life. Thanks so much, I knew that I am not in control everything in my life was mercy, schooling, work, relationship, parenting. I am really starting to live.
<3 wonderful!
Awesome video and so true about the human connections. Thank You 🙂
Good job on the book. I agree on all the information and I think you formatted it well. My heart congratulates you.
Both are powerful and inspiring!
Clear description of how important human connections are.
I spent many years in isolation when not free to express my concerns——with dire consequences . thank you Henk for spreading the message of goodwill and hope !!
Tears came to my eyes. I am a joyous person and smile myself a lot. I give compliments and help strangers but where I live many are rude so I stay to myself now.
What a super effective and super cute movie. Thanks for the joy and the tears.
Awesome! Great video, super characters, dialog. etc…
Oh, and have a Great Day!
both your book and the film are lovely, thank you!, they made my sunday morning, to begin with…
I’ve done this all my life. . . . from- a little girl delivering meaty bones to the dog owned by the disabled man stationed in front of the downtown Woolworth store to encouraging all manner of folks to seek truth to this very day, thanks for the validation.
Dear Henk, thank you for your wonderful e-book. I love how it’s so simple and practical, and you even said we can skip over the wordy part and straight to the point. I like going deeper into details but it was kind of you since some people want to get to the point quickly (a friend calls it McDonalds). Even so, you were very quick to reach the core ideas, and I’m amazed how you condensed everything into two simple actions. I think it’s brilliant. I know people can feel my heart so I often share in silence, but now I’ll take you up on the 90 day challenge and put my feelings into words (and accept from others too, I admit I’m terrible at this). I love the film as well, it’s funny and so true, you demonstrate so well that it’s the small things that mean so much. It reminded me a bit of the film ‘Amelie’.
Loved it!!!
This movie clip…it’s teaches lot about preserving physical well being just by smiling ?. Thanks Jenn for such a reminder and ofcourse it keeps me smiling ?
This is such a lovely short film. I smiled all the while whilst watching it alone. Great work Henk.
Thank you so much for coming into my life and sharing this with me. I do not believe in coincidences , everything happens for a reason,,, I believe you were sent to help me, I am in a very negative environment and it can be difficult to be kind, and positive, happy? Well I know I can do this with the help of people like you all! Thank You all and I mean that from my whole HEART <3
absolute wonderful, best message ever !
Thank you! Beautiful
Great movie!! Very inspirational and shows the power of our heart. Thank you Henk for creating it and sharing it with each of us. You are amazing! Bless you!
Well Done, Henk. Just what the world needs now, too. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thankyou so much for giving us this Beautiful video Hallelujah ! it bought tears of validation and HEART knowing and smiles of recognition of Truth. Bless you and may many many more brothers and sisters see this every day
Pretty Cute Movie. something that can be watched over and over.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video, it made me laugh, cry and SMILE.
The world needs so much more of this Validation it makes your heart sing xx
An awesome explanation that makes total sense. Also fun to watch.
My kind of film – innocence to the max – I used to do this on a daily basis for I know not a stranger – makes me wonder is this how I have survived 4 heart attacks and 3 heart operations for now I am isolated and do not do this however I am now forced to find a different place to live and I now know to build up my heart field I must put behind me the damage agent orange in the Vietnam War did to me and practice the strength and amazing abilities God put in all of us – a quantum physics student for years. I love this and the renewed inspiration it has just given to me. Thank you
This Film is so Powerful because it is So Simple! Smiles (Happiness) are Super important yet so Under Valued they even become difficult … We have to Get Over Ourselves & All the Conditioning we have had making us unconsciously apathetic, uncaring etc .. & remember all that working for money is never going to give us true Abundance … Giving Love, Care & Smiles cost nothing & Align us with True Universal Abundance so what we need we Receive …
It’s Great & so is the Book as an intro the Power of the Heart or Reference for those of us already connected with Heart-Math who just want More Love in the World …Heart felt Appreciation, Thanks Henk xxx
I remember seeing this sweet film a few years ago on Spiritual Cinema Circle. It hasn’t lost one iota of its power and heartfelt joy between then and now. It reminds me yet again that we are frequency be-ings and what we radiate outward is what we create as our experience of Life. No matter what, shine out Love. Love is Life. ?
Beautiful, thank you.
Simple and true
The film is incredibly healing for every human being who sees it even more if he experiences it in his day-to-day life, illustrated the book, from the bottom of my heart, very grateful for this wonderful gift to humanity.
This is an amazing film. It really explains it all about what you have in your book. I can feel the power of appreciation from the heart. Thank you Henk!