Few things are as instrumental to bringing our intentions and dreams into reality as our intuition.
In fact, it’s crucial to realize that the way life delivers on our intents and desires is often through intuitive communications that give us clear directions on the path we’re to take, gentle nudges that encourage (or discourage) certain things to do, and creative solutions to our challenges.
We all receive such communications, all the time.
But many times they either go unrecognized, or we misunderstand them, take them for granted, and/or explain them away… until eventually we (inadvertently and/or unknowingly) resist and suppress them on such a habitual basis that they appear to ‘die out.’
If you find yourself having a hard time ‘hearing’ or recognizing your intuitions yourself, you’re about to discover a very straightforward, yet highly effective means to reawaken your sensitivity to them.
So let’s begin:
Eureka’s Beat
Legend has it that Hiero II, the Greek king of Syracuse, Sicily from 270 to 215 BC, once wanted to offer his gods a golden crown. So he gave a goldsmith the assignment to create it for him, along with a bunch of pure gold to make it from.
But when he finally received the end product, he suspected that the goldsmith had cheated him by having replaced some of the gold with the same weight of silver, and having made the crown out of that mix instead of the pure gold that he had given him (<– a common trick among con artists and counterfeit coiners back in the day).
So king Hiero asked his scientist and philosopher kinsman Archimedes to come up with a way to assess the crown’s purity. Wondering how to solve this problem, Archimedes walked home, and decided to take bath at a local bath house.
As he stepped into the bath and noticed that the water rose, he suddenly understood that the volume of displaced water must be equal to the volume of the part of his body that submerged.
This notion then inspired his solution to the question of the crown’s purity:
- He knew that the density of gold is greater than that of silver, meaning that an equally heavy crown of pure gold would be smaller in size than one that consisted of a combination of gold and silver.
As a result, it occurred to him that he could assess the purity of the crown from a simple experiment involving the displacement of water in a tub:
- First he would place the crown into the tub and measure the amount of displaced water. Then he would put a lump of pure gold of the same weight as the crown into the tub and measure it again.
If the crown would in fact consist of pure gold, the amount of displaced water would be equal in both cases. And if the first amount would exceed the second, then it was safe to conclude that the crown was a fake.
As the story goes, once this idea hit Archimedes, he got so excited that he jumped out of his bath and ran home flashing his bare naked posterior in the streets while repeatedly shouting “Eureka!” (<– ancient Greek for: “I found it!”).
The local folk at the time must have thought that Archimedes had gone out of his mind.
And if they did, they were quite right…
Going Out of Our Minds
Archimedes’ story is the basis for what we still refer to today as the Eureka!– or Aha!– experience, a sudden flash of insight that hits us in the head, triggers a sense of clarity, relief and enthusiasm, and often leaves us wondering why we even struggled with the issue at hand in the first place.
Whether the story is actually true or not, it illustrates the great difference that exists between ‘thinking’ and ‘knowing:’
- ‘Thinking’ is a purely intellectual activity. It mainly takes place as electrochemical processes in the brain.
We sit down and think things through, come up with alternative scenarios and solutions we’re able to contemplate, ponder the ifs, buts, pros and cons, and try to work things out on a rational level.
- ‘Knowing’ on the other hand transcends intellect. It’s what’s often called intuition and can be defined as immediate realization without the conscious use of reasoning.
There’s no sequence of thoughts that lead to a particular outcome. It’s just there, instantly: Bang! Aha! Eureka! We suddenly get it.
It doesn’t need to explain itself or source its references; it’s a type of illumination that is usually unmistakable, because it literally jumps at us as something we just know, along with accompanying feelings of clarity, excitement and enthusiasm.
When we consider this distinction, it’s no surprise that our intuition is often at odds with what we think:
- The intellect tends to have a limited perspective that’s quite likely colored by externally imposed norms of what is to be considered acceptable thought, and thus of what needs to be guarded from the realm of possibility.
In addition, many of the thoughts we ‘think’ are mere justifications produced by the neocortex level of our brain as a reactive ‘explanation’ for triggered emotional impulses in the basal ganglia and limbic system.
As these triggered emotions themselves are often the result of imprinted imbalances from the past (<– as explained in this article), many of our resulting thoughts are colored and thus inaccurate interpretations of the circumstances and facts of the situation.
- Intuition on the other hand appears to be stemming from a whole different source of awareness that has a much greater overview, a bigger picture perspective that freely sees different connections, remote associations, and the ramifications that its ‘knowing’ (<– and the action it implies!) will lead to way down the road.
And it does so independently of any artificially and externally imposed constraints.
And let’s face it:
All (or at least most) of us have had experiences where it was overly clear that we had been better off trusting our intuition than to rely on our conscious reasoning.
And yet, we still find ourselves under lots of pressure every day to ignore and/or rationally explain away almost every single one of our intuitions, hunches or inspirations… especially when they can’t immediately be supported by intellectual reasoning or rational analysis of the circumstances at hand.
The very notion of intuition can therefore stimulate a fiery response from the intellect. Bound by logic, its only conclusion is that a knowing without reason is impossible. The rational mind simply cannot grasp it directly, and possibly never will.
As a result, for all our lives we’d rather go with our heads than with our hearts:
- Indeed, intuitive guidance frequently enters into our awareness and gives us a feeling in our ‘gut’ that we want to do something that makes our hearts sing at the prospect (<– and I mean other than the urge for ‘number two’).
- But then our brains and minds rear their heads and pressure us into considering only those particular consequences that they’re able to anticipate from their narrow and conditioned outlook, and we’ll find ourselves reacting along the lines of:
“Oh dear, who am I to think I can do that?”
“Oh my, what will my mother say?”
“That’s way too ambitious and complicated for me…”
“Somebody probably thought of that already…”
“Dear me, my parents will get angry for not doing something with my education…”
“There’s too much competition, that field of endeavor is saturated…”
“That can’t be right. Scientists say that this is not true. Who am I to think otherwise?”
“I can’t do that, it’s not responsible. What about my job?”
“I’d love to do this, but…”
“It would be pretty awesome if I could ever do this… Nah, I can’t do that. I must have gone mad.”
“Goodness, what will the neighbors think if I do that? And oh my, don’t mention it to the boys at the bar!”
This way we never get to flow with all the intuitive signals that effortlessly come in, but rather let ourselves get pulled back into walking the same road we’ve always traveled.
But our troubles don’t end there:
The repetition of this pattern over the years (<– if not decades) creates deeply-ingrained, habitual patterns of going with the head above going with the heart, until it becomes our standard method of operation and we simply don’t know any better than doing so.
This way, even though our intuitions systematically illuminate the steps of the path towards the realization of our dreams and visions, we allow our minds to immediately turn off the lights.
Long story short:
For the sake of being able to make our dreams reality, it’s imperative that we go ‘out of our minds’ far more often, and allow ourselves to tune into the broadcasts of more ‘universal’ levels of awareness and to more strongly rely on the communications we receive on that channel by acting on their content.
Of course, at first such a new way of going about life may feel as though we must have gone crazy, and other people are likely to confirm that notion, usually to protect their own pre-eminence.
However, we’re better off not giving in to the pressure by thinking more like Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland:
So how can we make sure we actually go ‘out of our minds’ in a constructive way, so as to systematically and effectively tune into our intuitions?
The key to doing so is to get into…:
The Intuitive Groove
Intuitions come to us in a variety of ways, including epiphanies, inspirations, flashes of insight, revelations, hunches, gut feelings, and inner knowings, urges and impulses.
Assuming we recognize them as such, it usually appears as though they come to us at the most unexpected and inconvenient moments, and in the strangest, most unpredictable ways:
- We could be standing on the corner about to walk across the street…
- We could be exercising…
- We could be playing or listening to music…
- We could be watching a movie…
- We could be turning in our sleep, dreaming…
- We could be in the middle of a StareMaster staring contest…
- We could be polishing our paperclip collection…
- We could be in the shower, driving our way to work, packing a suitcase, visiting a concert or theater show, tidying up our closet, cleaning the kitchen…
- Etc.
But that’s only if we don’t know any better. Because when we come to pay attention, we can recognize a certain ‘rhythm to Eureka:’
- As the science of chronobiology illustrates, nature has built in a recurring rhythm of activity and rest in all of us. Such a cadence that takes place many times a day is called an ultradian rhythm.
We don’t have to do anything for this cycle to take place – it comes with the equipment: it’s built into our ‘mind/body’-systems as a standard issue feature.
- A certain period of this time cycle is designed for high performance, concentration and alertness.
But at the end of that period, our bodies and brains automatically prime for a relatively short period of recovery, during which the four main regulatory systems that link body and mind (<– i.e. autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, and neuropeptides in the brain) realign.
Internationally renowned psychotherapist Ernest Rossi, Ph.D. and pioneer in the field of ‘mind/body’-healing, calls this recovery process the Ultradian Healing Response [1]. In simple terms:
- Our ‘mind/body’-system primes to ‘zone out’ of the intense focus of the preceding activity-part of the cycle, and enters into a more silent space that’s designed for it to prepare for another period of work and play in a mode of high performance and health.
- According to Rossi, this is the time that our physiology is most naturally attuned to our intuition, as the alignment of the main regulatory systems makes us more open to impressions from our unconscious minds.
In other words:
- Even if it seems as if our intuitive communications have died out, synchronizing with the ultradian rhythm of our ‘mind/body’-system gives us a relatively straightforward gateway into the realm in which they broadcast, by simply allowing its intuitive channels to open.
- And the best thing is: we get that opportunity multiple times every single day!
So let’s explore how we can capitalize on this notion and get into the ‘Intuitive Groove’ on a more permanent basis…
How To Catch Eureka’s Rhythm
Our ‘mind/body’-system gives us clear indications as to when it’s transitioning into the healing phase of the ultradian rhythm. Psychotherapist Dr. Laurie Nagel describes these signs as follows [2]:
These are all signals that we’re getting too high on stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, and that our ‘mind/body’-system is getting ready for an ultradian recovery period.
We can begin to observe the pattern through which these symptoms occur by noting down at which particular times during the day our ‘mind/body’-systems produce them.
Of course, all of us have (slightly) different ultradian rhythms. But if we observe ourselves carefully we’ll find that on average this pattern recurs approximately every hour and a half.
The onset of these symptoms tells us that nature has shaped the ideal circumstances for us to tap into our inherent creative and intuitive potential. We can then take the following steps to leverage the situation in order to effortlessly ease into an intuitive state:
- Step #1:
Explicitly and deliberately allow yourself to take a break and relax. Sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. (<– If your mind tries to force you to work on some task, tell it you’ll come back to it in ten to twenty minutes.) - Step #2: (<– optional)
If you’re working on a project or larger objective and would like help from your intuition, now is the time to ask for it. - Step #3:
Then, as you let yourself flow with the recovery process of the ultradian healing phase, allow any impressions and imagery that come up in your mind to flow freely. - Step #4:
Learn to not interrupt or impose on the process; train yourself to just flow with the mental imagery and simply watch, observe and by all means don’t intrude (<– for this you can switch to ‘observer mode’ as explained in this article).
At the very least, following these steps will allow the brain to settle down in a relaxing alpha state, where we’re more likely to get flashes of inspiration and understanding, or to gain rare, sudden, deeper insight into ourselves.
And as we become more experienced and skilled at this (<– the last step in particular), we’ll tend to fall into a mind space that is called ‘reverie’ or ‘hypnagogic state,’ which not only makes us more receptive to our intuition, but also makes our inner work flow without any effort on our own part whatsoever!
Of course, there’s no denying the importance and value of the rational mind. It’s an extraordinary thing, and there’s great brilliance and beauty to be found in it. It’s capable of understanding the most intricate scientific and mathematical theories, and it can carefully weigh ifs, buts, pros and cons when having to make complex decisions.
But there’s also great absurdity that often comes along with it, as the same mind can get caught up in the most useless trivia and nonsense, and become upset and bewildered over a seemingly harmless remark. It can in fact completely run out our lives by pushing us in all directions and creating endless dramas around its plethora of insecurities, fears, anxieties and pet peeves.
As such, on the paths to making our dreams reality and expressing our unique creativity, many times the interplay of thoughts that goes on in our minds only generates confusion, or even becomes blatantly destructive to our aims.
That’s why our greatest breakthroughs come not through the intellect primarily, but rather through intuitive hunches, epiphanies, flashes of insight, and gut feelings. These are then followed up by the intellect and typically found to be valid.
Many really creative and highly influential people throughout history, including the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein, have noted how their best inspirations came after they had made great conscious effort to solve a problem and then took a break when they were initially frustrated with failure.
French mathematician and theoretical physicist Henri Poincaré put it like this:
The tragedy is that we often consider the cacophony of conflicting thoughts that go on in our minds, as well as their often emotionally-charged interplay, to be normal. We become exhausted from our mind’s business and then act as if this attests to our significance and is actually something to be proud of:
“I’m juggling lots of things at the same time, my mind gets so busy that it drives me nuts!”
But when we get out of our minds more often and tune back into our heart and intuition, we leave the insecurities, worries, colored judgments and self-centeredness of the mind completely out of the equation, and open ourselves up to flashes of insight and understanding that catapult us forward on our paths with the kinds of jumps that our minds typically can’t even imagine.
In this light, synchronizing with our ultradian rhythms and leveraging the natural Ultradian Healing Response gives us a straightforward and pretty much automatic way to allow our ‘mind/body’-systems to ease into the kinds of silent and relaxed modes that in turn enable us to effortlessly tune into our inherent creative and intuitive potential.
You can bet that this is exactly what happened to our old pal Archimedes when he took his bath – an activity that’s well-known for its relaxing effect on body and mind. And by the same token, let’s face it: how many times have we heard (and perhaps even experienced ourselves) that the best ideas come while taking a shower?
So when the signs kick in that herald another ultradian recovery period, here’s what you do:
- Take a bath, a shower, a walk, or even a quick nap…
- Play an instrument or listen to some music…
- Read some relaxing material, meditate, or just hang around and be lazy for a few moments (<-- preferably in ‘observer’-mode)…
- But above all: get out of your own way and take it easy for a few moments.
As we’ve seen, whatever we can do to accommodate the ‘Ultradian Healing Response’ will enhance our creativity, intuition, and even our health and mental and emotional well-being in general.
Such simple ways to synchronize with our ultradian rhythm will help us to go ‘out of our minds’ more easily and effortlessly. And as we do so, we’ll find that ‘Eureka’s Beat’ will hit us in the head on a much more ‘rhythmic’ basis.
In other words, such deliberate acts will soon serve as implicit request for intuitive insight, kind of like the song by Ian Dury & The Blockheads used to put it:
“Hit me with your rhythm stick
It’s nice to be a lunatic
Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!”
And what’s best:
You’ll find that they get answered too.
Alright, gotta bounce now – I feel an Ultradian Healing Response settling in…
[1] Lloyd, D. and E.L. Rossi (Eds.) (2008), Ultradian Rhythms from Molecule to Mind: A New Vision of Life, Springer Science Business + Media B.V.;
[2] Nadel, L. (2006), Sixth Sense: Unlocking Your Ultimate Mind Power, ASJA Press, Lincoln, NE, USA, p. 133;
[3] Rossi, E.L. (1993), The Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing, Norton & Company, New York, NY, USA
Excellent article, as usual! Thank you Henk!
But what did Archimedes discover? Had the goldsmith cheated the king?
Henk – I always enjoy how you blend common sense, careful research, and deep insights into your topics. Too often, we do suppress our intuition. You offered several ways to counteract that and indeed to encourage the use of it. I also like the bits of humor tossed in (polishing your paperclip collection) to break up the seriousness. Thanks for all the information you share.
Great article…especially for the ‘left brained West do do do, think think think! Allowance for not doing and crowding out the higher connecting aspects of ourselves.The higher consciousness of our Self is always there but frequently not realized as the source of guidance and real knowing. After all, what is meditation for?
Love it…thanks Henk
For me it is time to get off my rear and make some serious changes in my life because I know time is my enemy now.Therefore I better start “YESTERDAY. Cheers.
One of the best articles I have seen on this in awhile. Input from others is also helpful. Thanks to all of you for reinforcing what I have been trying (and usually successfully) to share with my coaching clients in expanding the greater aspects of themselves.
Thank you Henk:
As always, your articles are “right on” and very helpful. I agree with
you totally.
Intuition is very precious and valuable, and should not be ignored.
Fascinating article! Thank you and it confirms key elements of a coaching modality called mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques) something that I have been studying (and teaching) over the past 3 years which is based on neuroscience and captures insights from Ancient Wisdom practices for over the past 5,000 years or more
The key elements are that we have a ‘brain’ or ‘intelligence’ in our Head, Heart and Gut.
When these are aligned and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is in a balanced state we have much easier access to the signals from each intelligence.
As you mention the Head brain is very skilled at cognitive perception, analysis, creativity…and making meanings out of events. In Traditional Chinese Medicine they call this ‘The Governor’.
The Head is a great servant but a lousy master
The Heart is connected to our deepest core values, is the emotional connector, vision, mission etc and is called The Emperor. Interestingly, when someone is standing with correct posture, the Heart is slightly ahead of the Head! In other words we are biologically designed to live Heart first.
The Gut is connected to our intuition and 80% of the messages from the nervous system travel upwards. Sometimes called the ‘second brain’, the Gut or enteric brain is laid down first within the womb, the cardiac/heart brain next and finally the cephalic or head brain. It is called the General and is connected to our deeper sense of self, self protection via the immune and other systems and mobilisation of resources. It’s where courage comes from.
In short, each has a distinctly different job to do and they are happiest when allowed to do so. The problems start when we get these jobs mixed up or think that one intelligence is better or more important than the others.
We use breathing techniques to balance the ANS and get into the most receptive state for easy access to each of these beautiful intelligences.
Our wisest decisions are frequently those that have input and agreement from all 3 brains from an aligned and balanced ANS state.
Wow! You’re information was just as helpful as the great article and helped me “get it” at a far deeper, more intuitive, & less rational level.
Your mission for readers to comprehend this tricky “brain vs. heart” business was well orchestrated.
I can tell this work comes from your ?? Bill. It is in fact not just your work (left brain) but your heart centered (right brain)) that is engaged, so you are one of the lucky few, who’s work has evolved into your ministry! You are without a doubt, richly blessed.
Thank you for a most inspiring and liberating article on intuition and our ultradian rhythms and healing response. So timely and yet timeless! I feel very blessed to receive your wonderful and insightful articles. Please keep on writing. Everyone of your writings is golden.
Very well written, thank you so much for the inspiration.
What a wonderful and inspiring article! I am so happy and grateful for reading your article. Thanks.
Great article. Thank you. I agree. I wonder if you will consider doing a post on the following subject: I am aware of and listen to my intuition; which is ALWAYS right! Sometimes I do this weird thing where I TEST to see IF my intuition is right and of course the bad thing happens to prove that YES indeed if I had followed my intuition I would be OK. Why in the heck do I still do this when I KNOW my intuition is ALWAYS right?!?!
It’s amazing. I didn’t know that this article will hit the air as though I was the author. Because, I have found myself ever practicing the same thing to move away from pain relief pill into taking conscious steps to getting my mind/body system under control.
“We could be in the middle of a StareMaster staring contest…” best time for a revelation! Ha ha ha ha
Another great blog, Henk!
Here is another take on developing intuition:
Whenever you’ve got a decision to make, feel down into your body for unusual sensations. For most of us, this would be the stomach–the “gut feeling.” Write this experience in your journal. Later you will see if your hunch materialized as you wanted it to. Write this in your journal also.
In this way you come to recognize that special bodily feeing that goes with successful hunches before making a decision.
That’s it!
Very nice and informative article
What an eye opening article. I think it may even explain why I came down 20 + years ago with chronic fatigue and still suffer today. Working 3 jobs and Pushing myself constantly is obviously not what my body/ mind needs nor desires. I feel those ‘times’ you speak of but rarely give in thinking I’m just lazy and can ‘beat’ this. I will definitely try and change my ways and hope positive things will happen. In fact I feel one of those times hitting me right now so I might go for a nap. Thank you, much appreciated
Just beautiful….exactly what I need…
This was a very thorough and helpful article. The value of listening to one’s intuition is clear. I appreciate receiving tips, so I can do better at listening by knowing when the receptive cycles occur.
That was a great article indeed. Although some of the concepts like ultradian response was a bit much and requires re-reading, it was an eye-opener for me. I would often push myself into any task regardless of the tiredness or the fatigue. I just thought I am getting lazy and have to finish the task at hand. But going with the flow and taking rest in between will in fact increase the productivity.
Thank you for such a detailed and yet simple to understand piece of content!
Gr 8 article.
Thank you Henk,always enjoy you’re articles.
Many of us, in an effort to maximize our productivity, take drugs such as nootropics and also use electrical and magnetic devices. I have found that while they do provide sharper and longer focused states, I tend to not take them as regularly these days perhaps because of an inner need for more daytime sleep which was my complaint before starting on the nootropics.
Despite an ongoing sleepiness, my untimely use of these focus products would override the phases of the ultradian cycle and exacerbate my condition despite perceived benefits.
What I need then is greater awareness of my ultradian cycle so that I do not misapply the resting, recuperating, intuiting phase of the cycle.
Thank you deeply! Totally insightful, key and practical information.
This is just the thing that i needed to see! Thank you!!! Well done 🙂
Just desire to say your article is as astonishing. The clarity in your publish is simply great and i can think you are an expert on this subject. Well with your permission let me to seize your RSS feed to keep updated with impending post. Thanks 1,000,000 and please keep up the rewarding work.
As it is……intuition to me is defined boy’s I know —i don’t know how I know, I just know!
Enjoyed the article!
Self observation within a group can speed you towards an expanded awareness. Within the self there is a force of character that unifies thoughts and actions. When you’re not in accord with your goals you may feel indecision, conflict or malaise and when you are in accord a sense of confidence and well-being will surround you.
This does not assure that you’ll be met with success as our intentions are often misunderstood and that type of rejection brings on frustration. But, if you turn your intentions inward instead in order to penetrate the meaning of this disharmony, an inner accord with yourself may strengthen your position to gain true confidence of the group and unity may become possible after all. In doing so, you’ll accomplish your aims… Success surrounds those who remain strong and certain within.
Pay attention to details at the beginning, as these are extraordinary times and you must be particularly careful to proceed in the right way. Being overly cautious is not a mistake… and endeavors that are useful and inspiring to all humanity are righteous and worthwhile goals that will eventually meet with sublime success.
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What i don’t understood is actually how you are not really much more well-liked than you may be now. You are so intelligent. You realize therefore considerably relating to this subject, made me personally consider it from a lot of varied angles. Its like men and women aren’t fascinated unless it’s one thing to do with Lady gaga! Your own stuffs nice. Always maintain it up!
Quite a n interesting approach to review the two aspects of rational conceptual planning:The logical concept lead to a proven methodology whereas the intuitive mind is always desirous of some thing superior to what have you achieved..The logic initiates with a schematic multi-dimensional view anticipated drawbacks-ultimately achieving the proven conclusions.The intuitive fore castings -may be termed as a gift,Need not be a successful endeavor..the Professional Scientctist shall never trust the gift nor will he be looking for guess work—his attempt is to analyse the optimum inputs-reroute the span of operation & expect the most logical updation .Millions of people opt for international lottery tickets , never on logical terms-just the benefits of a gift from Heavens—-some one does acquire the gracious token of kindness-the sacred gift….but would an intellectual be sorry to miss the boat-The huge amount money?
Never! He trusts his logic to make contineous efforts- professionally,scientifically as well as through his skill of wisdom……
Your article is just timely. I have always felt confused, not knowing what to do but I believe my higher self must be trying to get to my physical self. With your article I will start to listen to my intuition. Thank you. You are doing a great work disseminating such a valuable knowledge.
Just wanted to say great article, it’s so important that everyone knows and learns that it’s not hocus-pocus and in fact the most natural thing in the world. As someone who is very intuitive, it has been an essential part of my entire life. I literally can’t imagine how I would even function without it. For those people who are skeptical, I can assure you its a fact. There is nothing more frustrating and irritating to me, then when I don’t listen to my intuition. I can tell you from experience your intuition is always right. I think of it as my higher self. It always knows what is best and never steers you wrong. It’s when I ignore it that things get messed up. As far as learning to trust your intuition, experience is a huge factor. I’ve been this way for my entire life so I have lots of experience with it and trust it implicitly. Just try it, each time you do and it works out it’s easier to trust it the next time. You can depend on it. I remember as a child I was raised with extremely fundamentalist religious parents. The truth is I scared them to death. They didn’t understand how I knew the things I knew, or asked the questions that I asked. Back then I certainly didn’t understand it either. It terrified me, I dreamed of future events that would take place, my speciality is death. I have never had a person or pet that was close to me, that I didn’t know before hand they were going to die. When my parents were getting divorced, ( not peacefully) they kept threatening to kill each other. My mother convinced me, my father was out to kill her and myself. So I was always dreaming of my parents dying and being left alone. At the time, I didn’t have enough experience to tell the difference between a scary dream and the ones that are of future events. I also believed it was my fault. Like if I dreamed it, it would come true. I remember trying to stay awake and not dream so my parents wouldn’t die. My parents also told me that I must be possessed by evil spirits and that it was all from the devil. I’m sure if we had been catholic, I would have had an exorcism Not exactly helpful. Now, I can’t tell you how blessed I feel to have this ability. I’ve always had the chance to say the things I want to say and say my goodbyes and I love you. Not that death is the end. There isn’t anyone that I’m close to that I don’t talk to and visit in my dreams. While I still miss people, knowing I can still visit them in my dreams is a great comfort. It’s just naturally become a habit of mine, to never leave arguments unfixed. I always think, if this was the last time I talked to someone would I have said everything I need too. Having experienced what most people would call supernatural experiences my entire life. I understand now that intuition, being psycic, telepathy you name it, I’ve experienced it. I have learned that none of it is supernatural, and I don’t like the terms because all of it is perfectly and totally natural. As a human race we have gotten so far from what is natural that when we experience it, we regard it as weird, foreign anything but what it is, natural and normal. Every single one of us has these gifts available to us. I’ve never taken a class or read a book on how to be more psychic. Its been my experience that it’s not necessary. All you need is love. When we become more loving and forgiving as human beings, your natural gifts reveal themselves more and more. My goal is to make sure my children or anyone I can help, never has to feel weird or abnormal. My kids know that’s it’s perfectly normal, and I will be there for them anytime they have questions or concerns. Sorry for getting a little off topic about intuition.
Thank you, Nita, for your affirmation about the naturalness of all that intuition entails. As more and more people like you tell me that we all can tap into our “other side,” I am gradually beginning to believe that eventually even an old guy like me may be able to do it, too. A person who went through a similar experience with parents and wrote a book about it is my friend Jonna Rae Bartges. Her book, “Psychic or Psychotic? Memoirs of a Happy Medium” is well worth a read, and is available at Amazon.
A very interesting & thought provoking article. Of late I have had something on my mind to do or to have – have gone to the internet & found the very thing or information I needed !!!! Going further than the intuition & refering to the omnipotent being & past livesI I have always believed we choose our parents,lives etc before we incarnate. Whilst reading your article a thought occurred to me – I had been told (in a reading) I had been a healer/witch etc., before in many life times & been persecuted & even put to death! I was even a nun in one life & raped & mutilated. In my life-time I have had a hysterectomy & a mastectomy! Gosh – how thought provoking is that?
Great article.when my intuition symptoms some good signal or bad signal,i did sometimes it’s own root.Even i couldn’t figureout what would happen,my intuition guides exactly what was required in meantime.I’m always thanks to god to such intuitive awareness.So,i agree to your photograhic words about god’s giving such awareness thoughts.
Many thanks as of late I have been having periods during the day yawning and eyes full of tears and having a lie down and thought that when I lay down I felt as though I should not be doing it.Many thanks for putiing mind and myself at rest and letting me know why this happens thank you
somehow there is mind power in everyone of us, we just need to develop it `.’
As stated by many, this article came just when I needed it! As a child I was a daydreamer, it was my favorite pass time. My favorite was flying. I had so many adventures. Being an only female in a family of four males, I had to entertain myself. My intuition was strong and still is.
Learning to listen to that still small voice, has kept me from some dangerous situations. My Mother would always tell me about that “something told me thus and so” I should listen to it and it has served me well.
My friends would sometime tell me I was strange, always saying thing to them, then later they would tell me I was right about a situation. Always wanting to know how I knew, all I could say was “”something” told me so! At this senior age of my life, it has become more intense and frequent. Those spell of tiredness that I am experiencing now at least 1 a day now was bothering me, why was I so sleepy/yawning? Thank you for your insightful article, now I know why. I save all our e-mails and have some re-reading to do!! God bless you and continue aiding us on our journey’s.
Thanks a lot! i really get! i great benefit u gave the hope to be the best
Thanx for ur work – it helps a lot from, ur articles i’ve learn’t a lot.
Wow this is so true. My intuition has really been “charged up” lately. All I can say is WOW very interesting and makes sense. Always wondered why all of a sudden I feel kind of in another realm? Not sure where I am going but I do love the ride…..thanks for this very interesting article!!!
wow, you have hit the bull’s yes . intuition is an area i have been exporing for sometime.
mind power somehow exists in one way or another”::
I have almost always trusted my intuition. And when I listened to my intuition, almost always things just fell into place and happened according to my wishes as if according to plan. As Albert Einsten himself said as quoted in this piece, “The only real valuable thing is intuition,” For a great scientist to say that, there is something in intuition that may defy logic but can only be defined by the esoteric, by things beyond reason, by things only the heart can know or speak of. This piece strengthens my resolve to listen to to my intuition which knows the language of the heart.
I feel truly fortunate to have read this piece. As a psychologist I know that this piece coming into my life at this point is a matter of synchronicity. It comes at a time when I feel I am into something that can change my life forever. Let me in on more pieces like this. Thank you.
i always thought that there is some sort of built in mind power in everyone of us.
i never doubt that mind power can also increase the healing ability of the body.
Dear Henk,
Once again you appear at the correct moment! Once again with the amazing truth. So well done and many many thanks.
As I always say about Intuition, I wouldn’t leave home without it! However, I do sometimes forget and in those times I can get myself into a whole load of trouble as I nearly did just recently, whoops!
Never mind I was saved by my wonderful Intuition and your great article. Ho, Hum, Onwards and Upwards
Lots of Love
Maureen J. McGowan
Great info.
For me:
Intuition is the one in charge to come up with and idea,
but ractionalizing it is how this idea becomes real.
Great insight on knowing the source of intuition.
Thank you!
Thank you for the excellent article. If all of mankind could just take a moment out each day and listen to our heart, what a beautiful world this would be.
Great article Henk, thank you.
What a wonderful article. I loved it. For several years I have had periods where I simply could not stop yawning, and my eyes would water until the yawning stopped. My boss would tell me she’s concerned about me doing this so frequently (afraid I wasn’t getting enough oxygen). There are also times my eyes get so droopy I’d just think “if I could only go to sleep for a few minutes”. It excites me to discover that it’s my body entering into ultradian rest response. How much have I missed or dismissed not knowing? I am so excited. I am looking forward to these moments now that I’m armed with this information.
I have had so many of these moments of late and was worried that I had a problem. I will be paying attention to these moments and opening up to the infinite more often.
Thanks. so much
Thank you Henk for your valuable article. Indeed, you’ve helped me to understand my inner self better. Really appreciated that!
I intuitively had to say thank you for this insight.
hello . this is great article.thanx for sharing this valuable knowledge. thank u very much.
Great article. It really broaden up my knowledge. Thanks.
Hi! Thanks Henk, ur message is an eye opener. I’ve faced this sort of situation many a time and felt always better when I’ve listened to my inner thoughts. But it has not always not been so when I did not listen to my intuition. U have just reminded me that one should give importance to that spl. inner feeling. Warm regards.
It’s kind of odd the way people have taken all the natural gifts that they’ve been given, sorted them out, and then thrown out the ones that didn’t make sense (to them).
It’s even more odd I think, that the discarded gifts keep proving themselves, over and over again, and still, people don’t pay attention, just because someone told them not to.
Specifically, when you have a bad feeling about doing something, but you do it anyway, and it comes out badly, wouldn’t that be the right time to decide that listening to your “gut” is the best course of action?
If people would only pay attention to what’s right in front of them, they could get rid of all the things that don’t work and enjoy life more. Your article shows this very clearly.
thx henk u opened up an area i have been fighting with regards nutan
Thanks Henk,
I’m going to try to catch those moments and set them free and keep an eye out for any intuitive hunches. I am gradually seeing more of life from my ‘being’ perspective. I have had periods of more being and periods of more human – right now I’m edging closer to my being with appreciation and some compassion for my human.
Truely beautiful, Love all that you are and others and life will flow..
One word, BEAUTIFUL.
You sure did…DO IT!
You culled ‘mega’ information… into six succinct lines…
which I have added to my ‘sayings’ file.
A great contribution to the discussion.
Thank you, Throstrur!
Hi Henk!
I have seen a lot of people preaching about the law of attraction and how it works, but it is extremely rare that people go into matters with such intelligence and thorough detail.
Your advice on your chosen subjects hit the spot every time for me, and, it seems they come at exactly the right times that I need them. And furthermore, I realize something new about myself or my life every time I get an Email from you guys.
Seriously! This info is GOLD!!!
You have my vote as one of the best mentors I have ever come across, and I am truly grateful for your contribution to society. Thank you, truly.
Although words are all I can give right now, at least I can make the most of it by giving some advice:
1 Be grateful for the gift of giving,
give life a chance to be fulfilling.
2 Be happy though you know not why,
and live until the day you die.
3 Be the best that you can be,
so you can love your destiny.
…Wow, I think I did it! The Ultradian Healing Responce, I mean! heheh…
hi henk
after your precious article i believe that s ‘ the feeling first and everything after
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Thanks also, it is good to have a name to put on a condition I’ve been experiencing a lot this last year. I have been working hard at shifting my consciousness and mindset. It is good to now realize that it is really intuition calling me to rest a little. I’ve tended to wonder, what is going on. How can I be so phased out? Again thanks
My first language is Spanish, but I will try to explain my tougths.
Thanks, so much for this article. This Article let me to remember my childrenwood. When I was four o five year old, I knew about LOA, (but then I did’t know what was that) because
when I had that energy, I was feeling like excited mood, I was sure to get any thing that I did wishto get or to happen with no any effort, but after twenty five years old a lost this quality.
I’m so happy to met you, and I bet you , this will help me to refresh my mind.
God bless you
A life changing article. Many thanks for this amazing awareness. I think it is intuition that brought my soul mate to me but during that moment I wasn’t aware.
Thank you for sharing this!
Those incredible moments of ‘aha’ or the light turns on, I can
describe as ‘relief’ feelings or movement or a shifting of understanding about an issue I am wanting resolve or a question about why I’m having an unwanted negative feeling. It lets
the resistence in my mind and in my body free. It requires pensiveness at first. then once I let go of the thoughts the ‘intuition’ or ‘yes!” feeling sets in. That KNOWING is powerful. Once I begin to feel knowing about something it brings forth confidence, self-assuredness
and more clarity as well. It’s relief, like a smile inside my heart.
Cool that I would come across this message today as I am writing an essay on intuition. I know that I am coming into a new place in my life. Some things just seem to roll off my sleeve. I stopped worrying about things I cannot control and instead get on with the art of living the best life I know how. Thank you for the incredible you that you share.
Hello Henk,
I really enjoyed this article. I have been having these feelings a lot lately and now I will be more in tune with myself when I get this feeling.
Thanks, now I know what these phases are called. I get them daily and have noticed that I totally wander and other things come in. I do get loads of ideas. This has just helped me to welcome the switch off as a valuable time of tuning in. Now I can thankfully let go of what I was doing and enjoy the ultrardian rest response with a short meditation and note-taking afterwards.
Thank You wery much for all those article.I’ts unusually how it appear with the time when I start to be ( slowly ) liquidarist and bretardianist. I’ts happend without my press or intention,yust happend.
I’m so glad to met you and see that some another people also think the same,and THANK YOU TO HAVE THIS SIDE.
( sorry about language,I start by may one end is so……so……)
Thank you for this wonderful article, now I realize that this is how I have always worked, but recently I had a job in a company with a very tight budget because of the economic times. I was trying to keep completely tuned into my work and I was beating myself up for getting distracted, but your article makes me realize that I was actually getting less done by trying to be efficient, and I was wearing myself out!
WOW! For quite some time I have been having these exact moments where I have just feel stretched, tired etc, and I have actually allowed myself to just go relax, lie down, sit outside and contemplate; and although there is always the ‘conditioned’ thought that it was wrong to do that, I just couldn’t ignore how liberating it was to do so (some times I even listen to a bit of alpha meditation) It seems to refresh me and my intuition tells me what my next course of action should be.
So I was aware all of this was going on, but now I know why!
Thank you for this article. I enjoyed this very much and it answers some questions for me regarding those ultradian healing response periods, which I didn’t know that’s what they were until I read this. I had read somewhere that when that happens after you eat, it’s because it is taking a lot of energy to digest the food. I get those periods quite often. It seems if I just go and rest for a few minutes maybe even dose off I feel better and am more alert. Those times do not seem to be my most intuitive times. But when I am very intuitive I am in a different state of mind. But this information is good to know and I look forward to reading more from you. I enjoy reading everyone else’s comments as well.
Intuitive thought…I am all for it. I have had many experiences with it and I would love hearing more. I would share some of my experiences with intuition, but feel I’ve almost written a book here, so I will spare you for now. lol
Thanks Henk
superb writings which lift others up
sometimes wonder where you’ve
come from !!??
At school my children are repremanded for daydreaming and not concentrating. At home they’re encouraged to dream and consider that anything is possible. Daydreaming, or whatever else it gets called, is a natural process – let it flow.
I am very interested with this topic. I have a big desire to know more about this thing. But I have many limitations, mainly in financial. Thank you for sending me information. God Bless You.
I have had the same experience, described as ultradian healing response. I call it a tiredness peak. It happens sometimes when I am watching a TV programme I particularly want to see, and I just cannot stay awake. Unfortunately I don’t get any intuitive thoughts.
Yes, I would have called it the alpha state kicking in, but the best part here is to realize the opportunity. Rather than dismissing that mellow state of being as a distraction, welcome it as the intuitive self knocking on the door with “Hey, I can help here. Got a few minutes to tune into me?” I love that concept! Thanks so much for putting it out here for us.
To Henk
This is so exciting ! Dr. Nagel’s description of when your body is entering the Ultradian Healing Response explains the exact same signs I have had many times, and more so, recently. And to realize the connection to intuition is so encouraging, and somewhat of a relief.
It’s so nice to know this information, so thanks for sending it. I will now be more attentive to my intuition when these signs show up….and listen.
YES, I have often had these ïnsights” when my intuition told me someone’s feelings or reasons for what she was doing.
When I read this, it made a lot of sense. I thought i was going a little senile as I fade out once in a while. Now I suspect it is intuitive knowing. That makes me feel a lot better.
True… True… True…
I agree totally with you! For the last 6 months I have been working as a sales manager for a small software company, since Christmas, my energy totally shifted..I started feeling down about this job, and anxiety started keeping me up at night! I had a feeling that this line of work was not working out for me because my boss had a hard time paying me on time, everything promised to me was never met..and it just dragged on and on. I kept giving him the benefit of the doubt, and my intuition was screaming at me to get another job!
Well, I should of listened! My boss has not paid me for the last 2 weeks, he even squiggled out of giving me commissions that were due! I called the company tuesday morning this week to find out he was gone to Jamaica for two weeks..oh well..I started looking for a new job immediately! With no income and the savings already gone..I’m on my own! A single mom with a young daughter, a home to keep, I am staying positive and happy in the moment which is the only thing keeping me sane…my feeling is positive and I feel good..even though nothing has appeared on the horizon for me yet! I trust in my intuition now, 100 % that it will lead me to something better!
God Bless!
I just was directed to this blog by somebody after talking to them about some things that have been happening concerning finding a job. I have been having all sorts of “intuitive” feelings – not good ones – about this one job. But it is a good job and good pay. Part of me is programmed to accept that and be okay with it. But there is a part of me screaming out to not accept the job. Even though I have believed in coincidences and intuition for years, it is hard to always listen, especially when you’ve got bills staring you in the face and no “solid” reason as to why something is not good for you. But anyway, after reading this, I feel encouraged to follow my intuition. I am going to meet with them today and see where that leads. But I am going to try to stay open to intuitive part of my brain whilst talking to them instead of consciously thinking about how much I need a job.
What a beautiful and inspiring article. Thank you!
I’m so glad I ran across this article when I was going through my emails. This has been happening to me very frequently of late and I’ve been worried that I was starting to have mind problems. Now that I know I’ll be sure to follow your suggestion.