If you’re reading this, you’re probably either looking for effective ways to make some sort of transformation in your life, or you’re trying to make sense of the things that are currently happening.
Either way, as you may have discovered, the process of life transformation doesn’t take place for everyone all the same. I personally get to hear different stories all the time:
- For some people, their lives begin to change radically right after simply changing their mentality, and it’s all smooth sailing right out of the gate.
All they need to do is evaluate the mind frame that their (re)actions come from (which we discussed in a previous article), and make adjustments to it where necessary based on their new awareness… And before long, their entire life ‘magically’ transforms into the experience they had always dreamed about. - For others, the process brings more challenges, and sometimes may even seem to go in the exact opposite way as envisioned and/or expected.Even though the visions that are usually drawn for us almost invariably suggest that riches will magically and rapidly befall us as a result of changing our thinking, mindset, and beliefs… many times when push comes to shove, it doesn’t turn out to happen that way.
Now clearly, if your transformation doesn’t take place in the smooth and easy way that was pictured for you, then that might be somewhat of a difficult issue to accept and deal with.
That’s especially true if you’re not fully aware of the mechanism that’s at work, or if you don’t have the right tools to effectively and permanently deal with such challenges.
So what’s really going on here? Why do people’s experiences vary so much? Why are the results of your efforts often so radically different from what you’d expect? And how can you deal with any challenges most effectively in case they do come up?
That’s what this article will shine some light on.
So pay close attention… Because if you get the gist of the message here, you will literally become an unstoppable force!
A Matter Of Intent (Again…)
As you probably know, we all project an energetic field of sorts that reflects our current mental, emotional and spiritual state. An earlier article explained how this inner state underpins your implicit intent.
In turn, life reflects this energy field through matching and compatible energy fields that appear to us as people, places, jobs, relationships, experiences, etc. (<– to learn more details about this mechanism, sign up for the videos and ebooks on the right hand side of this page if you haven’t already).
Most of us are completely unconscious to this reflection mechanism, and thus fail to see – let alone appreciate – the power we possess to consciously and deliberately shape the nature of our own reality:
- All we really have to do is awaken to the link between our own inner state and (our perception of) the nature of the reality around us.
- Then by taking conscious control over our inner state, we can indirectly make huge transformations in our manifest, ‘outer reality’ by transforming both our perception of it, as well as the vibrational field that we project.
Manifest reality basically acts as a mirror of our inner state. And by changing the source image, the reflection can’t help but follow. It’s inevitable.
Now of course, that sounds simple enough. And it is…
But then how come it hardly ever seems so simple when you try to actually put these insights to use?
Here’s why…
A Matter Of Letting Go…
Based on the insight of manifest reality being a mirror reflection of your inner state, in a way we can say that life actually comes at your aid in bringing about your desire for transformation (just like we stated in the previous article on ‘manifestivities’).
Think about it:
When you consciously state the intention that you want to reclaim your power and deliberately make the change in your life that you desire, you basically begin to embody a twofold (implicit) intent:
- The first one is to break free from your existing reality;
- The second one is to actualize a creative vision for a new reality.
As such, these two intentions become part of your inner state, which in turn ‘life’ will start to reflect back to you:
- In order to reflect your intent to actualize the creative vision that you have for your new reality, it will present you with ideas, inspirations and opportunities that will help you bring it about (<– assuming indeed you take action on them).
- And on the part of reflecting your intent to break free from your existing reality, it will present you with situations, circumstances, and experiences that are tailored to making you aware of the patterns of thought, feeling, and belief that are keeping you in or keep recreating the reality that you no longer want to experience.
Now as you know, we hear a ton of stories about the many ways in which the first type of reflection can happen (unexpected checks from distanced relatives, sudden inexplicable increases in business, synchronistic meetings and encounters, intuitive hunches and insights, and what not)…
However, the second point hardly ever gets the attention it deserves, even though it’s at least of equal importance (if not far more important) in the transformation process. After all:
- You have to let go of the old patterns of thought, emotion, and belief through which you created and kept recreating the life experience you’ve now set out to transcend…
- And you can’t free yourself from your existing, programmed reality – the one you’re somehow not satisfied with in the first place – without changing the very lifestyle and mental/emotional/spiritual atmosphere that created that reality to begin with.
That’s an inevitable part of the process of transformation.
Nevertheless, if you don’t take this into account as a potential part of the process, not only do such experiences take your attention away from the opportunities that do cross your path, but you’re also quick to unjustly explain away the whole concept of ‘creating your own reality’ as nonsense because it doesn’t immediately seem to work the way you wanted.
In fact, you might be inclined to give up at the first sign of the going getting a little tough…
But it’s precisely your willingness and ability to let go of old patterns and structures that determines to a great degree how challenging the process of transformation is going to be for you:
- If you can swiftly notice the old patterns and structures as you’re made aware of them and then manage to let go of them with ease, then the whole process will probably be smooth sailing.
- However, if for some reason you have a harder time noticing them or letting go of them, your experience is going to be more challenging.
And that’s the crux…
“Cracking Your Egg”
If indeed you do let go of these old patterns, what happens is – as I call it – ‘your egg begins to crack.’ And as a result of changing and breaking free from your old patterns and structures, the energy field that you project begins to change as well.
Now since the make-up of your life is a reflection of this energy field, it will inevitably follow these developments:
- As the ‘source image’ energy starts to break down and adjust to your new vision, the reflecting ‘energy matrix’ that you call ‘your life’ inevitably begins to change and adjust in its slipstream.
- In other words: changes in our ‘inner world’ can’t help but reflect themselves in our ‘outer world’ of people, places, jobs, relationships and experiences.
From the perspective of our old state of being, structures, and patterns, we may experience this as the life we knew ‘breaking down.’ And obviously, this can feel challenging.
But what we’re really doing is breaking through to a new reality, and thus to a new life experience. That’s what cracking your egg is. It’s an inevitable part of the process:
Your life changes because of what you’re experienced going through these challenges… NOT in spite of it. Life is actually showing you the very things you need to let go of, in order to bring about your new vision.
And this brings us to an important contemporary problem…
Misrepresented ‘Spirituality’
These days we’re inundated with popular ‘Law of Attraction’ information. By far most of this information presents this ‘Law of Attraction’ as a tool we can use… an instrument to do something with… like some sort of ‘spiritual’ magic wand that instantly transforms our entire life experience into a great, dream-like experience.
It’s mostly the ‘spiritual’ aspect that leads to a lot of misunderstanding and confusion:
- Many of us associate the shift into ‘being spiritual’ with the idea that our lives transform overnight into an experience of ‘birds flying,’ ‘flowers blossoming,’ ‘pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows,’ and having a choir of angels rhapsodizing in the background whenever we decide to speak.
- On the other end of the spectrum we have more than a few (often self-proclaimed) ‘gurus’ on the topic who put a significant material label on the process, suggesting that the ultimate confirmation of personal, spiritual power is the ability to “attract fancy cars” and manifest other types of bling.
- And then there are those who have the ability to embody an interesting combination of these two expressions.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging any of this… Everyone’s free to decide for themselves how they choose to express their uniqueness in life and what their creative vision looks like.
Regardless of what you choose to create, the problem is that neither of these expressions emphasize the need for taking on full personal responsibility in the process. They place the power anywhere but where it really resides (i.e. in you):
- They either place it in the supposed ‘Law of Attraction’-tool (i.e. the ‘magic wand’), not in your ability to deliberately shape your reality by taking control over your inner state, as captured by the ‘Law of Attraction’-principle as a description of how life works…
- Or they suggest that it’s your future dream reality that will make you feel powerful (i.e. by means of external stuff alleviating your insecurities)… rather than making clear that claiming your power (i.e. by internally letting go of your insecurities) will give you the ability to deliberately create your future dream reality.
In other words, be it probably unintentionally, you’re subtly rendered passive and powerless.
So if we insist on using the term ‘Law of Attraction,’ here’s an example of how to use it appropriately in the context of this article’s topic:
When you consciously intend to break free from your current situation and ‘manifest’ the new vision you have for your life, then “by Law of Attraction” life comes to your aid by exposing you to situations and experiences that are designed to help you make that change.
Until you discover how to interpret and handle any challenges that you may encounter and to let go of the limiting patterns and structures that they lay bare flawlessly, the process of transformation is unlikely to feel like a breeze.
Once I understood what was going on and figured out how to deal with it all, the process sped up significantly, and I managed to flow through it more comfortably.
And that’s why it’s important to…
Stand Your Ground!
I once took note of this passage somewhere:
“True love does not always give the receiver what it would like to receive. But it will always give that which is best for it. So welcome everything you receive, whether you like it or not. Ponder on anything you do not like, and see if you can understand why it was necessary. Acceptance will then be very much easier.”
This is the essence of how life comes at your aid in spotting the patterns that are keeping you stuck.
Of course, that usually isn’t what we initially want to hear… We’d rather “use the Law of Attraction” as the magic wand as which it’s often presented, while we refuse to accept the true meaning of the principle because it requires that we change.
Because no matter how uncomfortable our current situation, our minds will always resist change, because at least the current situation is familiar…
But change we must… there’s no way around it.
Remember, the process of transformation can be a different experience for everyone. And how exactly it will take place for you is impossible to predict in advance, because it depends on a lot of things, such as:
- What vision you have for the life experience you want to create…
- How different and ‘far out’ that vision is compared to your current situation…
- Whether you have such a vision at all…
- To what extent that vision is unattached, independent, and creative rather than a pure reaction to your current undesired circumstances…
- How much you keep holding on to your existing patterns of thought, emotion, and belief…
- What sort of ‘emotional scars’ and issues we may have locked up inside and the extent to which they refuse to heal…
- How much responsibility (i.e. response-ability, freely and independently choosing your response to what happens) you’re really willing to take for your life…
- How sensitive you are to other people’s reactions and opinions to your change…
- Etc.
But in any case, the underlying mechanism is always the same:
You have to change what you do and what you are, in order to change what you get. And what you get is tailored to what you need, in order to experience whatever vision you’ve decided you want to experience.
In this context, if letting go of your old patterns is easy for you, then the whole process may feel like a smooth flow. But if that’s something that’s hard for you, the experiences you go through can feel very challenging.
To be sure to manifest your vision nonetheless, here’s what you do:
- First, make sure your vision is genuine and creative… and not merely a reaction to current discomfort that you just want alleviated. Make it something you can stick to… something that inspires and excites you. If it’s fleeting, life will never have a consistent pattern to reflect.
- Then define and adopt the values, attitudes, and behaviors appropriate to bringing that vision about, thus implicitly focusing on your vision all the time.
- Finally, let go of old values, attitudes, and behaviors that you become aware of and that no longer serve you. As a rule of thumb: any time life manages to evoke discomfort in you, it has hit on a pattern that is limiting you on your path.
So when a challenge does occur, remember this:
- It’s usually only in hindsight that we see that what appears to be a problem can be a wonderful opportunity waiting to be discovered. Life often so brilliantly disguises our greatest gifts as our worst nightmares.
- If you stand your ground and stick to your vision, before you know it you’ll notice your life will have changed because of what you’ve experienced going through these challenges… NOT in spite of it.
Once you truly realize that, you’ll be astonished by the brilliant mechanism of life, and how it synchronistically helps you crack your egg, dissolve the very patterns that are holding you in your old reality, and transform your energy field and life experience…
…all in order to make your vision a reality.
It’s like the Greenday song goes:
“It’s something unpredictable
But in the end it’s right
I hope you had the time of your life.”
P.S. If the transformation process feels challenging to you, and you feel like you could use a little more help on this process – perhaps speed it up and make it a lot smoother, check out the Crack Your Egg Program for an impressive set of insights and techniques that help you do so.
What I have come to love and appreciate about Henk is he tells you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth on what it takes to realize your manifestation. I also realize his wisdom is far beyond almost anything I have previously experienced from all of these online gurus.
Hie Henk.
Great insight shared here on personal growth. I love every word. Thank you so much for sharing.
Really great writing!! Love how you put it all together. It’s so fun to read your articles!! Am happier every time I do. My journey seems as though I’m trying to do allot of things that I really don’t want to do? But for some reason I keep pushing forward as though I know that it all ties into what I am trying to manifest. Standing my ground is a big one for me!
Truly appreciable and much much more desirable,recommendable and implementable one.
Hi Hank,
I absolutely love your articles. All of them. They are so well-written and there is so much to analyze and think about. But at the same time, I find them too complicated to understand.
Also, there is a contradiction here regarding the Law of Attraction. You said in your article that “You have to change what you do and what you are, in order to change what you get. And what you get is tailored to what you need, in order to experience whatever vision you’ve decided you want to experience.”
But isn’t it what the Law of Attraction stands for? Apart from obviously, the exercises about visualization, that you do also mention in this article. And the part that says “First, make sure your vision is genuine and creative… and not merely a reaction to current discomfort that you just want alleviated.” Well, if you want to change your reality and transform your life, it’s because there is discomfort in your current situation, and that’s why you want to get away from it.
Brilliant article and so easily understandable at this current time. Thank you very much
Great idea with music, ihave The limiting beleif its NO idea to sing and play music cause you cant make a living on it. But The happiness, New skills emotional states are all worth to change thought patterns to. Even though i am 43 making a living picking weeds in The fields. And my best company is the cat that was found almost with NO life force left lost in The city for 2 month.
Thank you Henk. Have been following the egg cracking program for a few months. When the student is ready the master appears. Have been a woman who learned VERY early in life that I was only accepted and appreciated if I gave to others without expecting anything in return. I became the model of a very good Catholic girl. Am now learning the value of being vulnerable and opening myself up to allowing others to love me unconditionally. Letting go of judging another’s worth based on their behaviour and my defined value system. Have ‘found’ a brilliant kinesiology practitioner (another master) and cracking my heart open. Finding small still voices that need volume. Painful, beautiful and truly believe I am almost home.
Thanx for this great post. I have to shovel a lot of shit too, in trying to change, I appreciate your sincerity and sharing it wasn’t that easy for you at the beginning. I keep at it. The experience is sometimes overwhelming to say the least, but I can feel and see the light, rising inside. More authenticity, more me, instead of beeing a picture of what others, culture, genes and so forth would impose me to be. So far the only thing I need is too be more me. Hear better and better my inner voice, and figure out my inner state. Thanks again. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your input. It is awesome to hear your insight – thank you for your perspective – and thank you for sharing forward growth. I have also shoveled enough s**t, staying true to myself and endeavouring to be the best “me” is all I can do and I thank Henk for bringing some real content to work with. To you,
France- Nor safe and fulfilling/productive journey moving forward in your life!
Thank you for your article. Your insight into manifestation has made me feel better about were I am right now. Over the years I have spent a lot of money on going to see gurues about the ‘ Law of Attraction’. And sometimes I ended up in a worse financial situation than were I started or I was told that I was not using the Law of Attraction properly. Thank you for bringing the common sense approach back to all of your readers. Greatly appreciated!
Thank you Henk. I always enjoy your articles. They energize me a lot. And we nee to look inside us to alter our life experience in the outside.
Hello Henk, Great Share! Thank you.
Hey Henk..GREAT article – The obstacles in my way of going back to school were, of course, a message that going in another direction with my goal was what I needed to do – and so I did a u-turn. In doing so I found inner turoil – that is, depression that stopped me in my tracks – old Fears that had dominated me for years – came alive – and for the first time in my life I spoke to them…Clearly…with sympathy….not the usual “shout down my fears” which I have done in the past. I showed compassion for myself! WOW think of that!! .
So I continue on my Path – bringing Restorative Practices/Justice to the south – which is ever
resistant to anything but punitive measures – and I might die trying – but it doesn’t matter.
Terrific article…keep it up
Ronnie Moehrke
Thank you for being so honest, also about family, friends, pressure and blackmail. The status quo is a big force. I’ve had enough of hypocrisy, false promises and fake positivism. Yes, sometimes we have to deal with a lot of shit and that surely has good reasons. Sometimes big reasons we only understand afterwards. So yes, faith, patience, kindness and love are necessary to hold on. Besides one person is not the other and their ways differ as well. High astrology, numerology and so on can already give an idea why.
Truth is never easy but it is right. And you dare deal with it. What I like a lot about you and your articles is that they are so truthful. One feels the integrity and depth. The huge life experience and knowledge, and the wisdom drawn from it. This is rare nowadays, You know what I also noticed: it is not mainly women who react….. you move people deeply. Thanks again.
This is awesome indeed. I am determined to follow your advices consistently until I reach all my goals.
Another great article, thanks!
Thank you so much. There is much in the Secret and its aftermaths that is too bland for me. You bring a touch of realism that is very helpful. I am grateful for your balance and your passion for the inward journey aligned to the outer journey and its combined manifestations. This last article resonates with me, and I stand with you! – Bishop Arthur Jones in Manila the Philippines
So True ~ Our lives are an accumulation of clutter and old baggage . . . just like spring cleaning our homes, clearing the garage or throwing out old clothes in the wardrobe . . . OUT WITH THE OLD STUFF >>> clears space . . . TO BRING IN THE NEW!!! . . . LOVE IT!!! Thanks Henk (:
What a great article, it’s nice to see so many people trying to break the pattern of the reality created by our conditioned mind.
May be is the next step in our evolutionary ladder, obviously by looking at our world today we all need to change and try to make our world a better place.
It might be our only chance to survival.
Struggle could be the most powerful force that will push us out of the egg of preconditioned reality.
Thanks to all for trying you will see the fruit of your efforts
Thanks for holding up the mirror! It feels right, though not especially easy. Appreciate the love.
Excellent way of explaining, and nice piece of writing to obtain data on the topic of my presentation topic, which i am
going to convey in university.
Watching a program that brings me comfort (Ghost Whisperer), the TV died and the DVD player won’t turn off. Got the feeling that the energy of the show is now not serving my evolutionary growth. Kind of bummed but I get the message. Guidance seems much stronger in their directives of late. Been standing my ground with family members and I don’t feel their energetic pull as much. Lots of validation for what I’ve known since I was little has shown up big time lately through Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and Joe Dispenza. Gregg and Joe put together a 4 DVD packet called “Get Your Shift Together”. It’s awesome!
Thanks for everything, Henk. You’re the bomb.
Thanks, Henk! God is blessing you with ever more light and truth as you share your insights with us. The going is tough for changing my reality paradigm, but, exercising patience, kindness, and love for myself, and faith in the Source, I will break through to that beautiful realm of peace and joy inherent in being centered and aligned in my true self. God bless us all in our exciting and adventurous evolutionary journeys.
This article and the one before it are so timely. Got the same message two days ago in a book by Jack Schwartz. Become aware of the feelings aroused by the situations I am creating and let the feelings be okay, Understand that they represent old patterns that no longer serve me and let them go. Thank you.
What a wonderful article! It made me laugh out loud. At this moment, I have lost everything including my home and car, and am in the process of packing my clothes to move to another country. There’s no turning back. Thank you, Henk, for your ongoing support and encouragement–not to mention your inimitable program which really works (and I should know since I have done every one of them)! Best love to you.
When I was first directed to your website, I actually thought that it was created just for me! Everything that you share is pertinent and right on time. Talk about creating positive energy for a new you. I especially liked the comparison of personal responsibility verses current thought. It is because of my sense of responsibility, combined with significant others that refuse to take any, that is how I began to change.
Great article! This article of Standing Your Ground gave me confirmation of what I’m currently gliding through:-) thank you and GOD BLESS US ALL.
Spot on insightful article – Greatly appreciated.
So simple, yet so often overlooked, is the fact that in order to change, something has to go!
Thank you so much, Henk 🙂 I’m benefiting a lot from the stuff you share. I really needed the ‘self-responsibility’ reminder today. Thanks again!
thanks for these important information……..really, it’s so inspiring. thanks for standing with us.
Exemplary article. I am very impressed with your material and I have been exposed to a lot of material! Very clear and not the same old, same old – rehashed. Thank you. Looking forward to purchasing your program. Just a little short of cash at the moment. .. I would love to be an affiliate — if you have an affilate program. Thanks again.
Well said ! Thank you.
Well I was feeling so emotional and then my Angel card said ” No one has the power over you unless you allow it to happen ” next I found your inspirational article, which clearly I was meant to read.It has given me extra strength to ….. stand my ground….. and remember I can choose my response to everything that happens even when it is easier to play out my old patterns. Many many thanks and loved the additional greenday song!!!
Henk, this is exactly what I need to work with right now…. specifics on how to change my inner vision and thoughts.
Bless you for sharing this transformational guide to living more fully. I will save this and refer to it often moving forward.
Thank you, Namaste.
God love you Henk – and I am sure he does – but I’m sending my “special” blessing!!! – I needed what you had to say so much right now – it seems as if all my efforts are being stopped/blocked (AGAIN!) by that “energy” that has been so discussed by others. And I thought I was the only one that felt that inexplicable energy…
I’m so very grateful for the “shot” in the arm…it will carry me until I sign up next week for your course.
I guess – judging from what I read – that your words ARE the answer to so many prayers.
Very informative and well presented…Thanks a bunch…Please keep up the good work….
Indeed, you never move on until you are able to say “thank you for the experience”
Pure genius
From heavens own words
Thank you. For the last 3/4 years I have known that I want to return to my homeland but as I have lived abroad for over 30 years and do not have any family, nor sufficient money to safely buy another property to make the move, I have been clinging to my nice home and social circle and hoping I could divide my life between the two countries. At 82 years, I am now prepared to walk out into the apparent wilderness and look for what I want.
Ilynn, I had to respond to your post–I am 81, and on the brink of finally committing to permanently move from my birth country to another, with a language and culture in which I feel at home. Let’s stay in touch! Carol
I just would like to thank you for sharing all that you have shared with me throughout the years has made me think very deeply about who I’m really are inside and manage to pull out some things that has been buried inside of me for a very long time! Keep it coming and may you continue to receive many blessings in your life 4ever. I love you for what your doing for people.
Thank you so much for guiding me on my path of transformation! I would like to point out that every time when I have some question, I receive your explanation through the articles, and I am able to continue further smoothly. I dare to say that you are the only person who keeps me going to my real self, and I was so far from whom I realy am…I am certain that God works through you in a simple and magnificent way!
Hi Henk…good post..did a quick read but will read again tonight and take notes…lots of good points here and basically where I am at in this point in time…I know all of this, just haven’t implemented it to the degree I should have. Thank you for a much needed nudge in the right direction.
Evaluating an article of immense intellectual value-this is the third appearance,we are quite pleased to appreciate candid remarks.IT seems you are awaiting more judgement from your sensitive readers as well as the struggling entrepreneurs..Quite a few have expressed their views.to make such comprehensive studies more valuable. Precise a summary from your moderators should now be initiated..Trust your readers shall appreciate the initiative .We do find your thesis quite an intensive in-depth approach.A remarkable thought provoking award to readers.
Thanks so much makes such good sense
I don´t know what to say. I just know I got this mail for a reason- again… Yes, I know you are human, but today this is more like a message from the other side.
Thanks for the insightful article! I learned a long time ago that 100% of anything, is not always right for everyone at a given time. I also learned that even if only 5% is right for me, at that time, experiencing the 100% is worth the effort nevertheless! Having read this article several times, I find the “right for me” percentage, increases with each read. I read a quote once……”Life is simple, you are born, you die, with a whole lot of stuff in between!”. Trying to get the “stuff” in the right places has been my challenge :). Thanks for some help with that!
AlwayZ and in all ways welcome.
Thnx Henk
As always, the right non-hype content that goes deep to the core. I’ve been following you for a long time now, and I appreciate very much your teachings, because they help me understand better the process I’m going through… changes have come and I embrace them; I’m trying no to lose sight of my destination and not getting lost in the hurdles that show up.
I know I am creating what I live now, and try to understand and feel what beliefs I need to get rid of to create a better now…
Thanks for everything!
What’s up Henk! well this artcle sure hitted the spot, can’t change things with the same frame of mind on wich you created them, have to chnge the insde first in order to change the outside.
Great article, thanks for the tip.
thank u for opening my eyes may u be bless with all the goodness of the universe
Thanks, that is great information to share. Simple and to the point, and very good for the soul that is trying to grow into its own awareness and fulfill its own destiny. It was up-lifting and I
thank you for these insights. May God bless you as you bless others. It certainly has blessed me and I took some notes that I will implement in my own living. Thanks, again.
Thank You for a read that could not have come at a better time. The article gave me the realization of what I am currently going through and the confirmation of many thoughts that I have been processing. Thank you for the blessing.
This is such a truthful read. I know many people that are so wrapped up in what others think of then or “will” think of them. If they think of saying or doing something for their greater good they hesitae adn start worrying about what their “so called” friends will think or say and then they freeze from fear and do nothing What is funny about that whole concept, is that most people, don’t think of others because they are way too busy thinking about themselves that they don’t have time to think about others. We all need to come to this realization and get over ourselves and put out egoes in our pockcets and forge forward and get on with out own lives. Friends and others in our lives, if they are sincere, they will still be there once we acheive success and you can be sure most will be there to help us spend any wealth we gain in the process and they sure won’t ridicule you then. In fact they will be the same people who will be saying, I knew you could do it and you’re so lucky. Make a plan, dig in our heals, and keep focused on our goals and dreams. Then we must keep our nose to the grind stone, don’t look right, don’t look right til the job gets done.
This article was what I needed to read. Thanks for sharing.
trust you should recover the message &
reconsider its place amongst these intellectual deliberations
will be appreciated
sham sunderazad
I look forward to reading your articles more than most others. They resonate deep within me.
Namaste, Sonia
An opportunity to go through-trust me,the article
Wondering -how come more comments have not been forth coming?
Intellectuals do take some time to pen their thoughts?
Expecting many more inspirations-
intellectuals take quite time to pentheit thooughts
Thank you so much, I believe the Universe will pay your kindness more than the people did.
FIRSTof all-thanks
THESEpages have impressed at least 104 sincere readers-my case-your choice?
THE article has its own intrinsic value-quite afew have applauded it-i do wish!
HAVING been a self employed entrepreneur-over 55 years, life has taught -like many others, lessons of human relations as well as human relations development- HRD-AN ESSENTIAL HUMAN NATURE.ALL AROUND THE WORD YOU FIND PEOPLE WITH WONDERFUL HUMILITY & EMOTIONS-LANGUAGE NO BARRIER. Your fundamental perceptions shall be extremely beneficial while you display HUMANE nature-as the world is one Community-simple honest as well as attractions toward your comforts.Personality traits do play an important role with even strangers-Cooperative endeavours do support your Missions.
AND who would not desire to enliven our existence amidst the heavenly blue SKY?
LIFE is a blessing
WORTH appreciation
sham sunder azad—————————————————–
Thanks a lot for your message ! Sincerely Kurta.
Pingback: February 25, 2012 | whatkasreadthismorning
i am happy read something like this.
Thanks for this reminder–clearly stated. I too have been going through an intensive breakthrough. Sensed the previous personality died & the real me is more obvious each day. At the moment I am performing post burial duties by getting rid of everything associated with that dead person. Have noticed that things i used to struggle with are non-issues. However, I am feeling challenged in other areas & I feel confident, fabulous, tickled to the bone. Life is so wonderful, isn’t it? Thanks so much for your great posts. Tandi