(Click here to skip the introductory write-up and go straight to watching the video below…)
In light of the earlier “Stand Your Ground” article, below is a short video with some additional words of inspiration.
What’s standing between you and the results you’re after may be so small, that once it’s out of the equation, your entire experience transforms. (<– That’s what Crack Your Egg helps you find and dissolve!)
So don’t you give up prematurely, just when the tide might be about to turn…
(For the record: the original author, as the video suggests, is not entirely unknown – it’s either John Greenleaf Whittier or Edgar A. Guest, who filed for its copyright in 1921…)
Enjoy and share it with the people you care about:
I was ready to quit a new thing that I started. But Crack your egg came along with this poem and I decided not to quit. Thank you I appreciate what you’ve done for me.
Don’t quit ist a nice saying, but the question is for what? Sometimes quitting requires wisdom and courage to get out of the old toxic life patterns or out of a business career that is killing you softly…. I do not like those general statements. The poem is nice and the video is well made, however I miss a statement there of considerateness – is it worth quitting or not. In my life I had to quitt twice in a big way in my business career and this quitting brought me to the success that was long waiting for me. One can see it this way: I was never quitting my deep routed belive that everyone deserves happiness, abundance and sufficient time for those things in life he or she loves deep from the heart…..
Hi Ines, thanks for your comments! Of course, like pretty much everything in life, words like these need to be seen in context. Some things we do indeed need to let go. The greater message here is – IMHO – not to immediately acquiesce and give in as soon as the going gets a little tough. Nevertheless, your nuances are in place, thanks much for that!
Ines – I agree! After a life of constant challenges I have finally “wised-up” . Now I find that if something is not right in my life it is the universe telling me to go look for something that will be better for me. Hitting your head against a wall is not the thing to do. The hardest thing to do is to ‘leave’ a situation that may be making you ill or unhappy. Sticking around for more is just a waste of your life, and pretty stupid. We each have our path and sometimes we have to let go of the ‘status quo’ and move on, and change is always scary.
When things look very bad, success is just aroud the corner, so never give up, is what I have been tought. Sometimes things have to be made ready before can success come in. If you don’t get what you want, there is something better waiting for you. This is what I learned in hard times.
This poem is excellent.
Very nice. I enjoyed it. It’s uplifting and had some ideas I’ll try. I am learning to stick with things and to stay calm. They eventually work out somehow. I believe angels help me. I don’t see them, but I know they’re with me.
To keep on keepin on is the best kept secret for those who do indeed make the choice to not quit and give up are those who know the struggle to make themselves better and better each and every day—-without a doubt sometimes hitting the dirt makes you a better you if you can grasp the fact that if that is a low as you can get then there is no direction to go but “UP”. It is being and becoming the best of you possible which in turn affects those around you as well that then becomes the “ripple effect” to this world!
Thanks so much. I’m very familiar with this poem. My husband used to hang it in his office many years ago. Is so timely and inspiring for me. Great! Much appreciated!
Thank you so very much for sharing
Just when I think I had enough, I set a new goal to keep on keeping on because I don’t want to miss my ship when it comes in so I develop more patience and lay wait with great expectation to one day live the Abundant Life of my dreams…Whoo, hoo!
love you Hank.you are amazing.
If you think you are at the point where you simply can’t go on, Please read Edgar Guests
poem “Can’t” and then Don’t!
You are the man!
Thank you for the citation
Perseverance is my greatest life challenge. I have many innate qualities that re-prioritize my tasks and goals on a moment by moment basis. Some may call it ADD.
But, despite distracting disorders, this poem informs me that one day, with one moments more adherence to a thought or an action, I shall succeed in fulfilling an illusive goal. And, if I can capture one, then why not another and another and . . . You get the idea.
As it is said in the Yi Ching,’Perseverance Furthers’.
I will try to play this poem every day.
Thank you Henk.
This poem is beautiful and very fulfiling! I made a song of it, but in Spanish. Rudyard Kipling was the son of JOHN LOCKWOOD KIPLING, curator of the Lahore museum in India in 1871. The poem was writen in 1886 in one of his first books of poems “Department ballads and other poems” and in 1907 he got the Nobel prize on literature. Great poem and thanks for reminding me not to quit!